Chapter 84

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{{someone turn my brain off }}

Sirius sighs at the cauldron in front of him, wrinkling his nose at the brew.

"Why couldn't Ninnie have taken potions," He groans to James, convinced that boredom was going to actually kill him. He'd planned on dying at the hands of the Veela during one of her rare outburst, likely from getting no oxygen from laughing too hard at her expense. But it was looking more and more like this sodding class would be the death of him.

James grins at his lovesick friend, hesitating before offering, "I've got a dungbomb on me. Want to get out of class early?"

Sirius perks up, his frown turning into a brilliant grin. "Prongs," He says truthfully. "You're a bloody hero."

James snickers and bows slightly. He whistles to himself and acts like he's going over to collect more ingredients. James slyly leaves behind the bomb before meandering over to the door, Sirius grabbing their bags and joining him just in time to escape before the class fills with foul smelling smoke.

James and Sirius laugh and clap each other on the backs as students stream from the classroom, wincing when they hear Slughorn coughing and yelling from inside. They turn to run, freezing at a rather peculiar sight before them.

Gwen sits up on the pedestal of a shiny suit of armor, between the metal boots of the knight. She merely flips a page of her magazine, holding out something in the direction of the boys.

James gasps when he recognizes the object, the fabric that Gwen had called ugly once before. His cloak. He and Sirius look over their shoulders and see Slughorn finally coming out of the classroom, shouting for who was responsible to come forwards. The Marauders rush towards Gwen, slipping the invisibility cloak over their heads just in time.

Slughorn looks around furiously, head whipping from side to side. He spots Gwen and shouts, "Miss Whitlock!"

The Veela looks up boredly as the round man stumbles over. She wrinkles her nose at the smell, waiting patiently for him to speak. He stutters,

"Y-You—I—Have you seen Mr. Potter or Mr. Black?"

She smiles faintly and says in a very unbothered tone, "No, Professor. They have a way of just disappearing."

She doesn't flinch when something invisible punches her side, just smiles wider and continues to lazily kick her feet around. Professor Slughorn stares at her, utterly dumbfounded. He sighs and turns away, muttering under his breath as he returns to his still smoke filled classroom.

James whips his cloak off of him and Sirius, asking incredulously, "How did you manage to take this?!"

Sirius looks at his friend, answering for Gwen by saying solemnly, "Her acquaintances, mate. They let her get away with everything."

Gwen quirks a brow when James huffs, "Fine! But how did you know we were going to do that?!"

The Veela smiles widely, looking at Sirius for him to answer for her yet again. He smirks and rolls his eyes, pitching his voice higher to sound like her when he says, "Intuition."

Gwen laughs, folding up her magazine and climbing down from the pedestal. She merely smiles at the still confused James and chides, "I expected more from the head boy."

"Shove off, Ninnie," James laughs, ruffling her hair. Sirius clears his throat and says abruptly, "We're leaving."

Gwen quirks a brow up at her boyfriend but he doesn't grace her with an answer to her curious look, merely loops his arms around her shoulders and guides her away from James.

Gwen looks over her shoulder, teasing, "Don't worry, Prongs. I won't tell Lily what her supposed "mature James" has been up to."

James turns bright pink and scurries away, leaving Gwen to laugh quietly. She nearly trips up the stairs, earning a snort of laughter from Sirius.

"If you'd let me walk without touching me, perhaps I wouldn't fall," Gwen says flatly, narrowing her eyes up at him as he leads her down a quiet corridor. Sirius lets out a hum of acknowledgement, replying simply, "Don't worry, I'll catch you."

Gwen rolls her eyes, instantly going to retort that he was missing her point, but then she's being yanked into a rather dusty classroom.

She grimaces, mumbling as she looks around, "Where have you taken me now, Black?"

Sirius laughs and turns to face her, his arm slipping down to hold her waist. He reaches up with his other hand and loops a few strands of her hair around his finger. His eyes grow soft and he hesitates before admitting lowly, "I...I feel like you and I haven't had a moment alone."

Gwen's frown melts into a smile and she reaches up, gently running her knuckles across the crease between his brows. She teases quietly, "Trying to get a quick shag?"

Sirius scoffs, brows furrowing further. He nearly lets it pass, but the twinge in his heart at her words has him blurting out,

"I hate that joke."

Gwen's brows shoot to her hairline, her lips parting slightly in surprise. She blinks for a few silent moments, stunned by his honesty and pained eyes. Her lips twitch and she nods, saying calmly, "Okay. I won't joke about that anymore."

Sirius flushes and mumbles, gently tugging on her hair, "I just...I don't want you to think of me like that. But more than anything I don't want you to think of yourself that way. I'm with you because you're bloody brilliant Gwenyth. Not because you're good in bed."

Gwen feels her throat grow tight, feels heat behind her eyes. She wonders if he feels the way she does, if he ever feels like he's flying when they're together, or if his heart of going to burst. He does that to her, makes her feel more. Makes her think more of herself.

She nods once, and he grins a little at her shy smile, bending to gently kiss her cheek. She asks cheekily, "So I'm good in bed, huh?"

Sirius sighs exasperatedly at her words, grumbling, "Way to ruin the moment, Ninnie."

She smiles knowingly and backs away from him, biting back a laugh at his confused look. She shrugs and waves her wand towards the door, her heart racing when the lock slides over with a resounding 'click.'

Realization begins to dawn on Sirius, his mouth running dry when Gwen says simply, "I bet I know a way I can make it up to you."

Sirius blinks, feeling very dumb as he watches her hand move to her tie and begin loosening it. His mouth suddenly begins to work, his voice throaty as he asks,


Gwen smiles faintly and nods, pulling her blue and grey tie up over her head and gently stirring her blonde hair.

Sirius' legs stutter to life and then he's moving, snatching her up into his arms and grinning before he silences her bubbly laugh with his lips.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now