Chapter 55

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Gwen sits comfortably in the shade of a large tree, watching on as Remus wades in the lake.

He hadn't mentioned her joining him, Sirius had cautioned him against it when Gwen said they were going to study by the water.

Remus was only ankle deep, his pants drawn up around his calves. And when he glances back at his Veela friend he can see something different in her face. Yearning perhaps. Yearning for the water. Again he refrains from mentioning, turning back to looking for small fish and plants in the shallows.

James and Sirius were taking their Charms exam, both of them having been nervous. Especially when they hadn't gotten an ounce of help studying from Lily, something they usually relied on.

The red head was even a little upset with Gwen, disappointed that the Veela wouldn't take her side. But Gwen, alongside Dorcas and Marlene, had declared herself a neutral party.

The Veela closes her eyes, leaning her head back against the trunk behind her. She briefly wonders where Dorcas and Marlene had gone, but then smiles to herself. She'd play like she didn't notice the flirtation between them for a while longer. Until Dorcas or Marlene talked to her about it.

She frowns when something settles down next to her with an unceremonious thump. She only peeks one eye open, instantly smiling faintly to herself.

"Regulus, it's good to see you."

He shifts nervously under her gaze, saying lowly, "Don't lie."

"I'm not one for lying," Gwen hums, finally opening both her eyes to peer out at Remus. Her friend stops short, momentarily stunned by the sight of Sirius' brother and the Veela. But then he turns around, deciding to focus on the water.

Regulus seems perturbed, bothered. He clears his throat and asks irritably, "Why do you like me?"

Gwen laughs quietly, replying easily, "I don't know. I like most people. Why don't you like me?"

He freezes at the question, feeling uncomfortably vulnerable. He'd shared more than he'd meant to about his life with the girl, swearing to himself that she had charmed information out of him the one time they went to the library. It's what his parents would say, that she could draw out his secrets because she was a manipulative beast. But he couldn't agree. No matter how hard he tries.

"I...I don't dislike you," He finally says, the words feeling awkward in his mouth. He looks away from the veela's blank stare, instead settling on the lanky boy walking in the shallows of the lake.

"What's he doing?" Regulus wonders, brow furrowing slightly when Remus bends and scoops something up in a jar. Gwen turns her head and follows the boy's curious grey eyes. She smiles to herself and responds,

"Go ask him."

Regulus glances sideways at her. Normally he would scoff, would hurry away before he could be caught near the being next to him. But time seems slower by the lake, kinder. She seems kind. He swallows past the lump in his throat, his eyes growing rounder when the Veela practically voices his thoughts,

"No one will see. And if they do, you can say I charmed you. I won't mind."

Their gazes remain locked for a few moments, regulus wondering briefly how she could be so understanding. How she knew what people were thinking. Or maybe what they were feeling. He hesitates before standing and asking nervously,

"Come with me?"

He sees the change on her face at the question. She shakes her head, saying softly,


He wrinkles his nose and Gwen feels a surge of affection. He looks like Sirius. The same eyes, the same confused expression. The only difference was his shorter stature, his elegance instead of manliness. It made her smile, even when he asks sarcastically,

"What? Are you afraid of some water?"


Her simple reply takes him by surprise. What is even more surprising is the mirth in her eyes when she teases, "The Black brothers aren't the only one with secrets. Now go, Remus is always looking for someone to blab about this stuff to."

Regulus hesitates again, the smile appearing on his face feeling heavy. He wasn't used to smiling much anymore. He kicks off his shoes and rolls up the pant legs of his uniform before wading into the shallow water.

Remus looks up at the sound, almost expecting Gwen. When he sees familiar shaggy black hair and Grey eyes he pauses. Straightening up he clears his throat and says awkwardly,

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Remus."

Regulus eyes his extended hand like it's cursed. Remus nearly pulls away but then the younger boy reaches out and grasps it firmly, shaking it as he replies,


The Slytherin stares at the Gryffindor for a few moments before dropping his hand and asking,

"What are you doing?"

Remus flushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck before admitting, "I'm looking for plants from Winogrand's Won—"

"Wondrous Water plants?" Regulus sounds impressed, pleased even. He smiles slightly, shifting in the water as he asks, "Have you found any yet?"

Remus smiles ruefully and shakes his head, "No. Don't tell Ninnie, though. She thinks I've been finding them this whole time and was rather excited. Can't manage to tell her that there's nothing here."

Remus chuckles at the confusion on Regulus' face as he wonders, "Who is Ninnie?"

"Gwenyth," The werewolf answers, bending down to scoop up more water in his jar when he sees the Veela looking. He smiles and gives her a thumbs up, seeing her brilliant smile even from where he was standing.

"You call her Ninnie?" Regulus laughs, shaking his head. An odd nickname for such a composed person. Remus grins, laughing too as he tells him the story,

"We've been trying to prank her since 1st year. Sirius got so mad when a dung bomb blew up in his face at dinner one night that he couldn't think of anything to call her other than something terrible. So he called her a Ninnie. Told her she was a narc, that she had to have been getting help or telling teachers what we were doing. Ninnie the Narc. It's stuck ever since, much to her disappointment."

Regulus smiles to himself, trying to picture anyone pranking the Veela. She was too smart, or maybe just too unimpressed. He chuckles and peers back at the blonde, noting the way her eyes are lingering on the water and her feet bob back and forth, knocking together.

"She's dating my brother?"

Remus smirks and lets out a snort at the surprise in his voice, drawing the boy's attention back to him. He shrugs and says cheekily,

"I think that they're dating without knowing it. They're both rather noncommittal. But he likes her. A lot."

Regulus grins and nods, flushing the faintest pink when Remus hands him an empty jar.

The two scoop up more water, every once in a while shouting to pretend that they've found something good to entertain the proud Veela watching on.

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