Chapter 15

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Sirius was practically vibrating with excitement.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was his favorite class, especially since he and the rest of the marauders had it together. And today they got to duel, something he excelled at. Tied only in talent with James, but his friend is too busy trying desperately to flirt with Lily to share in his excitement, so Sirius lets his gaze wander around the room.

He grins when he sees familiar blonde hair.

"Psst! Ninnie!"

Gwen doesn't look up at the sound, just smiles faintly as she reads her magazine.


Gwen glances at the table on her left, the one occupied by a snoring short boy and a lanky one with sandy hair.

"Remus? Did you says something?"

Remus grins, peering over her head to see Sirius frowning. The Veela winks at him playfully, causing him to reply,

"Oh yes. Just wondering what it is your reading."

"Witch weekly," she says simply, brandishing the front of the magazine.

Remus quirks a brow, tilting his head as he wonders, "Is it any good?"

"Absolute rubbish," Her response is so blunt and honest that it makes him laugh, shaking his head at the Veela as she smiles.

Her bag is suddenly swept off her desk and into her lap, the seat next to hers suddenly occupied. Remus bites back a smile when Gwen rolls her eyes at him before turning to face a certain boy with grey eyes and dark hair.

"Sirius! What a surprise," She drawls playfully, squinting her eyes when he flicks her forehead and grumbles,

"Ha ha, your hilarious."


Sirius shoots her an unimpressed look saying snappily, "It wasn't a bloody compliment, Ninnie."

He's surprised when he receives an uncharacteristic eye roll and a teasing smile, his lips twitching when she says, "I may not be the brightest witch, but I do understand sarcasm you twat."

Sirius' lips turn up at the corners and he elbows her in the side, grunting, "You have any of those Acid Pops on you?"

"Just one," She says playfully. "I'll duel you for it."

Sirius' grin grows wider. A perfect opportunity to get a reaction out of her. He knew she'd be pissed as soon as he won. He couldn't help it. Some part of him wanted to see that magnetic fire in her eyes that only popped up when she was really challenged.

"Might as well just hand it over now,"

His voice is confident, prideful. It should be. Gwen knew what a skilled and smart student he was despite his general lack of care. She just smiles though, not nearly as worried as he thinks she should be when she replies,

"Sure. But you have to give it back when I win."

Sirius scoffs but shakes her outstretched hand, not thinking twice about it. He pockets the sweet, a part of him embarrassingly excited to enjoy it later.

It's only moments later when Agatha Goldstein—a rather tall, pale woman that Gwen suspected had vampire blood in her ancestry—says excitedly,

"Pair up everyone! Remember to practice dueling etiquette, I'll be watching!"

Gwen and Sirius both jump to their feet just as their desks are all magically swept to the corners of the room. They stake out their part of the classroom, a laugh lodged in Sirius' throat as Gwen bows very dramatically. Sirius follows her lead, fighting back a grin as he says with faux seriousness,

"Are you ready, Madam?"

Gwen laughs and nods. Sirius smirks and says firmly,


Gwen buckles over, giggling hysterically as she's invisibly tickled. Sirius can't fight his smile, not when her cheeks turn rosy and her eyes turn glassy from laughing so hard and so beautifully.

"S-stop!" Gwen yells between laughs. "I wasn't ready!"

Sirius snorts and reverses the spell, teasing, "I asked and you nodded!"

Gwen wipes her tears on the back of her hand, pretending to be cross as she says, "Whatever, Black. Go on, hit me again."

He grins cheekily before casting the jelly-legs jinx. Sirius freezes, jaw dropping when she wordlessly swishes her wand and blocks it. His brain short circuits momentarily because the girl from Ravenclaw, the girl that's always implying how average she is...she's using nonverbal magic.

He tries again, saying firmly, "stupefy."

Again, she blocks it. His previous smile turns into a scowl at the bored look on her face. He only softens when he sees her lips twitching at the corners and the glint of mirth in her eyes. She was messing with him, completely at ease whenever he cast a jinx or a hex her way.

He's still frustrated, but his smile threatens to return when a laugh escapes her and she blocks everything he can cast. Then she starts hurling spells in his direction, keeping him on his toes as he quickly blocks her silent spells.

The Marauders all turn to look when they hear familiar laughter, their jaws dropping at the sight of Gwen and Sirius sharing smiles and shouted words while they duel. Remus elbows James and mutters, "She's using nonverbal magic."

"Padfoot's keeping up with her though," Peter offers.

James grins at his friend and the Veela, thinking that Sirius looked oddly happy to be duelling someone he said he didn't like a few measly months prior.

"My money is on Gwen," Remus says suddenly. James snickers and nods, "Oh absolutely. He's gonna be fuming."

Their words leave them at just the right time.

Sirius is suddenly swept off his feet and into the air by his ankle, his body swinging back and forth from the sudden change in position.

"Hey!" He barks out irritably. He frowns when a blue sweater clad someone suddenly appears in his eyesight. She crouches down and Sirius can't help but grin at what he sees.

"How'd you manage to nick that?" He wonders, trying to snag the white stick of the acid pop that sticks in the air while she enjoys the sweet.

She laughs around the sour candy and dodges his swinging hands, "It fell out of your pocket. But I wouldn't have been opposed to finding it if I had to."

Sirius smirks, growing slightly dizzy. Though if it was from hanging upside down or the proximity of the Veela in such a lively mood he wasn't sure.

"You just want an excuse to feel me up, Whitlock," He chuckles, reaching out and poking her side. She grins and shrugs, saying simply,

"Oh I didn't think I needed one."

He stares after her in shock as she walks away and grabs her things, waving a rather quick farewell before she slips from the classroom.

As soon as she leaves he falls to the ground unceremoniously, grinning to himself despite the laughter from James and Remus at his defeat.

He'd get her next time.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now