Chapter 100

16K 438 212

{{a long one since everyone has been patient today—AND because we're almost at 230K!!! I love you!

MATURE (guys this one is pretty read at your own risk! It's not important to the plot!)}}

Gwen wonders how on earth someone can be so perfect, so undeniably magnetic.

Her eyelids flutter open so she can dazedly stare at Sirius. Sirius Black. She'd never get used to it, being with him, having him. Loving him. Her heart sings when she takes in his swollen lips and his mussed hair. He smirks slightly and whispers, "What, mon ange?"

"You're pretty," Gwen responds in a teasing mumble, laughing when he scowls playfully and reconnects their lips for a slow and sexy kiss. She moans when his tongue swipes against hers fleetingly, her body arching into him for more. She needed more.

Sirius shudders when he feels her hands tug at his jumper. He quickly leans back to pull it over his head, lifting her sweater up while he's there. He curses at the sight of her top half nearly bare, his thumbs teasing the wire of her bra. Gwen smiles slightly and murmurs, "What are you doing to me? I've gone soft."

Sirius chuckles and bends to press a kiss to her abdomen, mumbling against her, "You're sweet talking me?"

"Mmhm," She hums, eye lids fluttering when his hand sneaks beneath her back and undoes the clasp. She busies her hands with his belt, pausing when his hands grab hers and push them lower. She caresses the outline of his hard member against his jeans, her legs quivering when a feral groan leaves him. She does this. She makes him feel this way.

Gwen feels the tiniest sense of pride when he moans again. An familiar idea pops into her head and she wets her lips, the need in her growing hotter at the thought.

Sirius lets out a noise of surprise when Gwen pushes at his hips and flips them over. Her bra comes loose from her shoulders as she moves and when she slips it from her arms and tosses it away his pants grow tighter.

"Fucking hell," Sirius whispers, eyes rolling back when she presses her lips to his lower abdomen. His breathing hitches when her tongue wets his skin before she bites down gently. Gwen clenches her thighs together for some friction, dizzy from the sounds he's making. She leans back and smiles at the tiny bruise, her fingers pulling his belt from his hips.

Sirius blinks at the ceiling for a minute before sitting up, realization hitting him like a tidal wave. He nearly chokes when he whispers, "Gwen, you don't—"

"Sirius," She says airily. He swears he could come right then, her voice, his name on her lips. It leaves him an uncomfortable mess, especially when she says, "Please."

He brings a fist to his mouth and stares at her silently for a few moments. He gives a tiny nod and Gwen smiles, unbuttoning his pants. Sirius holds his breath when she slides them down, helping her to kick them off. His throat grows tighter when she whispers, "I've never done this before. So pretend that you really like it or my ego will be bruised beyond repair."

Sirius chokes on a laugh and replies huskily, "I have a feeling that I'd like anything you do to me."

Her smile his heart wrenchingly beautiful, happy. She leans up to peck his lips and he gently tickles her sides, a laugh escaping him at the reluctant giggle that falls from her lips. Gwen smiles coyly, trailing kisses down his neck and chest. She can't resist tracing the lines of his abdomen with her tongue, her legs tingling when a moan leaves his lips.

She feels a little bit nervous when she grabs his briefs. But she knew how much she loved it when he had his mouth on her, a different kind of intimacy. She only hoped she could make him feels as good. Gwen slowly pulls down the last thing separating her from him, her eyes widening when his member springs free, so hard it nearly looks painful.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now