Chapter 178

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Sirius grunts quietly, his mind slowly stirring awake.

His brow crinkles in confusion, hand coming up to swat away the softness tickling his nose. He rubs at his face haphazardly, muttering huskily, "Fuck off, Prongs!"

"I'm mildly concerned that your first thought is that James is the one in your bed."

Sirius' eyes snap open at the groggy voice, his vision clouded by sleep and pearlescent hair.


His lips instantly turn into a smile and he gently brushes back her unruly hair tickling his face, whispering happily, "Ninnie."

A groan sounds from the Veela when he snakes his arms underneath her and pulls her upper half onto his chest. He studies her smooth face, her eyes still shut and a gentle sigh falling from her lips when her chin comes to rest on his chest.

How he'd forgotten she'd come home last night was beyond him. He'd grown used to her absence despite being tortured by it. His heart thuds unevenly at her rosy cheeks and furrowed brow.

Her eyes suddenly  fly open and pin him with an unamused stare. Sirius jumps at the action, cursing lowly at the very startling appearance of her unnerving gaze.

"Fucking hell," He grunts, flicking her forehead. "Don't scare me like that, Inferi."

"Quit staring at me then," She mumbles in reply, her blinks still slow as her eyes grow accustomed to the morning light. Sirius chuckles lowly, his thumbs running over her brows before cupping her cheeks in his hands. Gwen shoots him an exasperated look when he smushes her cheeks together, her lips pursed funnily. Sirius laughs and quickly pecks them, catching her arm when she moves to lazily hit him.

He'd missed her, that much was certain. But he'd nearly died without mornings with her. He craved them, needed them.

"Why must you insist on bothering me so early?"

He smirks at the question, shrugging before carefully rolling them over. He props her head up on the pillows, his arms framing either side of her head as he mutters huskily, "Annoying you is irresistible, Ninnie."

She lets out a hum of acknowledgment, her lips twitching. Sirius stares at her knowingly until her pretty mouth finally quirks up into a smile. His hands slip under her shirt, warming his fingers on her skin. He slides them higher, teasing her sides as quiet laughter escapes from her chest.

Gwen's eyes glint with mirth when he presses a warm kiss to her cheek, his lips lingering for a moment before he slides them lower and playfully nips at her jaw.

"Sirius," She warns quietly, though he can tell she's not completely opposed to the affection. That much is clear by the way her legs widen for him to fit his hips. Sirius smirks and whispers, "I missed you. Everything about you."

"Do go on," Gwen drawls, her hands coming up to tangle in his hair. He laughs at her blasé tone, his chest growing warmer as he continues, "I missed your smile, I missed your crazy bed head."

"Mmhmm," Gwen replies quietly, her eyes fluttering shut as he dusts her cheeks with gentle kisses.

"Your laugh," Sirius muses, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. He can't resist her when she smiles, pecking her lips a few more times before she playfully tugs on his hair. He grins and mutters, "Your disgustingly beautiful eyes."

Her bubbly giggles urge him onward, lips caressing her chin and the soft skin behind her ear. "I really missed annoying you," He teases, his fingers reaching higher as his lips moved lower. She was melting beneath him, basking in the warm glow of the morning and the ray of sunshine that was Sirius. He chuckles at her almost sleepy look of pleasure, her body slowly arching into his. He couldn't resist tasting her, reacquainting himself with the smooth skin of her throat.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now