Chapter 106

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{not edited so sorry!}

Gwen smiles slightly, her eyes locked onto her magazine when Sirius loudly yanks back the chair beside her before sitting down.

Remus and James wave hello to their friend, sharing a smile when Sirius grunts,

"Alright, Whitlock. Hit me."

The Marauders as well as Marlene and Dorcas perk up, leaning in to listen. Gwen clears her throat, flipping her magazine shut as she recites the news from the latest edition,

"Celestine Warbeck is suing Madam Bletchley for wearing the same color dress on her most recent album cover."

James looks up and smiles when his red headed girlfriend appears, Lily also eagerly listening to the Veela as she continues,

"A woman in the advice column asked how to hide the taste of polyjuice potion, so I'm certain she'll be getting a letter from the ministry. Ah, and evidently there is a new shade of nail polish named 'welsh green' with flecks of dragon shell in it. Supposedly great for people with dark hair."

Gwen glances up to see Sirius watching and teases, "Perhaps you should try it, Padfoot."

Her boyfriend rolls his eyes, his hands playfully tugging at her hair. They all quiet down when their Defense Against Dark Arts professor appears. Gwen hadn't realized her name until recently, much to both Dorcas and Lily's chagrin.

Magdalena Soots was not particularly memorable. A rather grey old lady that seemed to only want to teach for the protection that Hogwarts would provide. She oftentimes fell asleep and left the class to their own devices. Gwen and Sirius liked to try and land paper airplanes on her desk.

Gwen goes to turn back to her magazine, Sirius however perks right up when the Professor mentions patronus charms. Dorcas eagerly answers every one of the questions the witch asks the class and before she knows it, Gwen is being yanked free from her seat as the desks fly to the sides of the room.

Sirius looks so excited, Gwen can't help but smile. She tilts her head and asks, "What's happening?"

"Ninnie, we're learning the Patronus charm today!"

Sirius smirks at her unimpressed face, leaning in to whisper, "I'll bet you an acid pop I can teach you how to do it."

Gwen snorts, reaching into her pocket and handing over the familiar green treat. Sirius grins and pockets it, saying happily, "Alright, Miss. Whitlock. Ready for my demonstration?"

Gwen nods, admittedly a little eager. She wasn't truly excited about her own. She didn't think that she was capable of a corporeal patronus. But she was excited to see Sirius'. She was the only one of her friends that had never even tried, too convinced it wouldn't happen. Though she knew that Marlene and Lily and Dorcas could do it. Maybe she could too.

Sirius winks at Gwen before saying easily, "Expecto Patronum."

Pride courses through him as a light blue mist leaves his wand, morphing into the shape of a lanky dog with shaggy hair. He bites back a soft smile when it runs to Gwen and circles her feet, earning a pretty laugh that makes his heart beat faster. The Veela reaches out, gently touching the mist like she'll feel fur or familiar warmth.

She jumps slightly when the dog pounces towards her feet, her eyes lifting to find Sirius staring at her. She flushes at the way he's smiling, boyish and affectionate. Gwen bites her lip to keep in cheeky words as he walks closer. He smirks and grabs her arm gently, turning her and murmuring, "Alright, think of your happiest memory. The best one you can think of."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now