Chapter 28

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"There you are,"

Sirius quickly looks up, quickly hiding his telescope and putting out his cigarette on his bottle of whiskey.

Gwen grins and quirks a brow, teasing, "What? Not excited to see me?"

Sirius barks out a laugh before gesturing for her to come in from the hallway. It was too cold and snowy to be on the astronomy tower, so Sirius had taken to using the disused classroom on the fourth floor. With his new telescope it was the equivalent of being outside, just minus the sounds of wind or creatures from the dark forest.

She comes closer and snags one of the cigarettes he has laying next to him. He sends her a warning look, opening his mouth to speak. She does before he can,

"Yes, I'm aware smoking is bad for you. Hypocrite."

Sirius rolls his eyes and gestures for her to take a seat, saying cheekily,

"Class is starting."

She smiles faintly and props herself up on a desk. Her feet swing below her as she brings her cigarette to her lips, asking before she inhales,

"And what will you be teaching me today, Professor?"

Had he been taking a drink then, he would've choked. He looks away from her quickly, clenching and unclenching his jaw. She interrupts his uncomfortable thoughts by wondering quietly,

"Ready for tomorrow?"

"I'm never ready. But it's not like I can do anything about it. It's only three weeks I suppose."

Gwen nods once, noting the stiffness of his face. She'd hit the hot button, made him uncomfortable talking about his family. She hesitates before quickly putting out her cigarette and saying,

"I'm gonna go."

His head snaps back to her, watching as she jumps down from her desk and walks to the door. She's just about to open it when a large hand comes up from behind her and holds it shut.

She glances over her shoulder, feeling a tingle run up her spine at the proximity of him. She slowly turns and looks up at him calmly. Her face is so open, so serene. It soothes the waging war inside of him that makes him scared to go home and see his family. Even for just three weeks.

Gwen almost takes a nervous step back when he steps forward, but the door is there. A reminder that she can't run away. But she doesn't really want to, not with Sirius Black looking at her like that. He's broody—he's been broody for a month. But while his frown is a cold line and his brow is furrowed angrily, his grey eyes are so soft.

She doesn't know how they got this close, but his nose is brushing against hers, his eyes locked on her. She feels like she's glowing when he slowly moves the hand that's holding the door shut and tucks a few aimless strands of hair behind her ear.

He's drunk, that much is certain. But he doesn't think it's firewhiskey. It's her. Her smile, her eyes, her smooth skin. She's the vice coursing through his veins.

"Sirius," She whispers, her eyes locked on his. They stare at each other silently, lips just barely brushing. Waiting. He was waiting for her to decide, and it made her heart do an uncomfortable dance in her chest. She stands on her toes and makes her choice, pressing her lips to his. She's teasing, fleeting as her lips slide over his. His breathing hitches and his hands move to cup her cheeks, bringing her mouth to his when she goes to playfully pull away.

A groan leaves the depths of his chest before he can stop it, sliding his tongue slowly against hers. She tastes so good, so sweet. Like the firewhiskey he'd had and cigarettes they'd shared. Her arms are folded between them, her fists clenching and unclenching before she steadies them against his torso. She slides her palms across his chest then down his ribs, holding his muscular sides in her small hands.

Sirius tilts his head, sucking and tugging at her lower lip until a whine escapes her that has him seeing stars.

"Gwen," He murmurs throatily, parting their lips. He slides his hands down from her cheeks, placing his fingers below her chin to tilt her head back. He has to hunch his back slightly to reach, but it's worth it when his lips finally touch the delicate skin above her pulse. The taste of her skin satisfies his thirst, his desperation. He was desperate to be near her, that much he knew now.  He sucks the supple skin between his teeth, biting and tugging and then laving the redness with his tongue.

Gwen exhales harshly, her eyelids fluttering at the feeling of him marking her skin. She feels his grin against her throat and she pinches his side in response. He chuckles quietly, making her toes curl in her sneakers and then his lips gently trace the side of her cheek before they're back on hers.

She melts into him, leaning into the strength of his built chest for support. This was a mistake. A huge messy one that she knew should make her pull away. But she didn't, her tongue finding his and succumbing to his dominating touch. He was sexy, dark. Her fingers slowly sweep up his arms, leaving goosebumps across his skin. He moans when her hands rake through his hair, tugging and pulling until his spine tingles.

She doesn't realize they're moving. Not until she feels the hard wood behind her pressed completely against her back. She leans into his warmth, sighing softly when his hands band below her bum and lift her. She wraps her legs around his waist instinctively, her back arching her front into his. He was too good at this, too good at making her feel good. No one had ever made her feel this good from a kiss. Certainly not Ravenclaw's quidditch captain.

It's his turn to tangle his fingers in her hair, relishing the softness. He wants to see what it looks like wrapped around his hand, so he pulls back and presses a gentle kiss to her cheek and her jaw and the skin below her chin. All while he stares at the pearlescent strands coating his fingers. Then her eyes open and he's forced to look at them, unable to pull himself away from the intensity of her stare.

He groans quietly at her wide pupils. She was feeling what he was. It was so hard for him to read her, but finally he could tell something about her without her spelling it out. She was turned on. For him. It makes his heart practically sing in his chest.

He has to remind himself to breath when he feels her lips at his throat. She's so soft, so gentle. And then her lips brush the skin below his ear and his hands gripping her thighs tighten. It's her turn to smirk, her turn to leave a mark.

"Fuck," He whispers when he feels her tongue first, wetting the skin so lightly that it makes him shudder. Then she's nipping, teasing him with her teeth. She sucks and pulls on his skin until a delicious ache blooms through his chest. A moan escapes him when she bites down harder one last time, his body relishing the sting. He's definitely hard now, undeniably turned on by her and her ministrations. And while he wishes he could be embarrassed, he's thrilled. Because she can feel what she's doing to him too.

This is new—a wild and different experience that sends his neurons firing in complex and new directions. He'd shagged before, certainly snogged before. But kissing Gwenyth Whitlock, letting Gwen kiss was the most erotic yet simple thing he'd ever been apart of.

She's suddenly pulling away, he turns his head from where he had it tilted for her love bite, quickly capturing her lips with his own. He can feel her smiling and it makes him want to melt into her until there's nothing left of him.

She pulls away again, insistent this time as she untangles her lips and limbs from him, gently pushing on his chest.

He backs up a little, staring down at her silently as she raises a hand to her lips. She blinks quietly, barely glancing up at him before she turns and opens the door, murmuring,

"Good night, Sirius."

And then she's gone.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now