Chapter 129

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{{quick update! I hope you guys like these chapters—they make me laugh}}

Gwen swings her feet back and forth, dangling them sideways over the arm of her chair.

The tinkering sounds of Dumbledore's office were beginning to erode her patience. No amount of sweets would make the clutter of the office tolerable for long. She wonders briefly how he finds anything.

She looks up when the Headmaster strolls into the room, Minerva McGonagall hot on his heels. They both stop short at the sight of the Veela perched in her chair, Fawkes sitting just above her on the back. Her voice is flat, nonchalant, when she muses,

"It's about time. I've been here for nearly fifteen minutes."

Dumbledore smiles, nodding and replying, "Thank you for waiting, Gwenyth. I see you and Fawkes have found each other again."

Minerva eyes the two beings warily as she takes a seat next to Gwen, Dumbledore claiming his own chair behind his desk. Gwen lets out a hum of acknowledgement before saying, "Minnie, how are you?"

The Professor doesn't bother correcting the girl. They were as close to peers as they could get without her having already left the school. She smiles slightly and nods, replying, "Fine, dear. Yourself?"

"Well I was having the most lovely nap, but then I was disturbed by Peeves telling me how urgently the headmaster needed me. Imagine my indignation when he arrives late."

Minerva glances at Dumbledore, finding him leaned back in his chair, his steepled fingers under his chin as he smiles at the conversation between the two. Minerva clears her throat and asks, "The matter at hand, Albus?"

"Yes," Dumbledore says, leaning forward and gesturing for Gwen to do the same. She reluctantly does as he asks, swinging her feet around so she can rest her elbows on his desk.

"Gwenyth, I again was hoping to ask for your council. Minerva and I have come to a standstill on a particular point. I think you may be able to shine light on a different perspective."

Gwen quirks a brow and nods, glancing at the head of Gryffindor when she huffs, "Albus, she's a ch—"

"A highly intelligent and trustworthy advisor," Dumbledore interjects, causing Gwen's sudden flare of anger at the witch's words to simmer into irritation. She liked the Gryffindor head of house, but she didn't like being belittled. She hadn't been a child in a long time. Maybe not since her mother died.

Minerva sighs and turns to Gwen, saying firmly, "I really must encourage you to simply return to your studies, Miss Whitlock. The Order—"

"I've been given an out multiple times by Dumbledore. In fact I was nearly forced out. He's learned just how little I like being told what to do."

The Veela's words rings strongly throughout the office, and she catches a small glint of approval on the older witch's face. Dumbledore interrupts their staring contest, saying calmly, "The matter is like to discuss today has little to do with danger."

Minerva grunts her disapproval, but the headmaster continues, asking Gwen, "Do you know a man by the name of Mundungus Fletcher?"

The Veela's eyes twitch slightly at the name. How she found herself in these situations, she was never quite sure. She knew Mundungus Fletcher. In fact she knew him rather well. He was relatively famous for his black market trades and his ability to procure items that weren't a fair price of course.

She was a frequent customer of his, a particular silver telescope that she purchased from him lay in Sirius Black's bedside table as they spoke. He had a knack for finding items that she found to be rather interesting, though she never minded to ask how he came about them. His links to the Wizarding underworld were highly sought after. She just liked buying presents.

Gwen meets the headmaster's gaze evenly, voice flat as she says simply, "No."

His lips quirk into a smile as he retorts calmly, "I'll take that as a yes."

Gwen scowls slightly. Bloody wizard and his bloody intuition. Minerva turns to the Veela with a shocked expression and scolds, "Miss Whitlock!"

"What?!" Gwen cries indignantly. "He's a reputable source for hard to find items! I rather like the man, he's—"

"He's a criminal!" The witch cries, utterly disbelieving that the simple girl had become tied up in the world of trading with thieves.

Gwen shrugs and smiles slightly, replying simply, "I think criminals get the short end of the stick, Minnie. Where's your famous Gryffindor chivalry? I thought you lot were supposed to be tolerant."

Minerva sighs and swipes a hand over her face, muttering, "Let's get on with this before the poor girl gives me a heart attack."

Dumbledore chuckles and addresses Gwen, wondering, "Do you think he would make a decent addition to the Order?"

Gwen smiles slightly, teasing, "You mean to tell me that I'm the tie break for your argument?"

Dumbledore nods while Minerva sighs, scowling slightly. Gwen glances at the witch and sees her lips twitching, causing the Veela's smile to grow.

"What were the circumstances?"

Dumbledore and Minerva look at the Veela in surprise. Gwen quirks a brow and continues, saying boredly, "Mundungus Fletcher doesn't do anything without payment and he certainly doesn't associate with people like you. So why do you think he'd join the Order?"

Dumbledore's eyes twinkle at her intuition, taking a page from her book and replying simply, "I helped him out of a tough spot."

Gwen grins at the Headmaster's vagueness. She'd just find out herself, Dung had rather loose lips and a tendency to get drunk and tell stories. She leans back in her chair and shrugs, saying,

"I think he'd make a rather good addition. If you didn't have whatever it is you did to hang over his head, than I may feel differently. But he'll keep your secrets. Consider this his payment for keeping him out of trouble."

Dumbledore has a rather pleased look on his face while Minerva squawks indignantly, "He is a criminal! A no good, slimy—"

"All of the things that make him good at his job will make him good for the order," Gwen interjects, smiling slightly at the exasperated witch. "He's a coward, but he's rather good at hearing things that you and I won't. If anyone will know what Voldemort or his death eaters are doing or looking for, it'll be him."

Minerva crosses her arms and stares at the girl silently for a few minutes. Her eyes narrow and she finally says, "Fine! But I don't like it!"

Dumbledore claps his hands together, saying happily, "I'm glad we've come to an agreement. Besides, now we know that Miss Whitlock and Mundungus are acquainted."

McGonagall sends her an unimpressed look when she says nonchalantly, "He's my favorite vendor."

Dumbledore chuckles, conjuring a funny image of the Veela and the short thief chatting. He sighs and leans back in his chair, assessing her and Minerva silently.

Gwen reaches up and mindlessly pets Fawkes, feeling a prickling of curiosity when Minerva asks,

"Is there something else, Albus?"

The headmaster peers at them over his glasses, his eyes lingering on Gwen as he says calmly, "Just one more thing."

Gwen freezes in her seat, blood running cold when Dumbledore asks curiously,

"When were you planning on telling me there is a death eater at Hogwarts, Gwenyth?"

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