Chapter 25

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Gwen looks up from where she's watching Lily and James chat.

Something sounds an awful lot like angry yelling.

She furrows her brow, asking Remus out of the side of her mouth, "Do you h—"

"Oh bullocks," The werewolf groans, interrupting her and quickly running away. Gwen turns to follow where he's going.

Her eyes widen at what he is running to.

Sirius is hovering over Jonathan Wood, beating his face in. Her feet are frozen for a moment, stuck as she watches the horrific scene unfolding before her. Then she's running too, shoving past people and yelling,

"Sirius! Sirius!!!"

Remus tries to pull the boy off of Gwen's boyfriend, but Sirius just shakes him off. Too pissed, too furious. He doesn't hear, doesn't see. He just feels crunching under his fist as he beats the shit out of the boy that had the heart to say vile things about Gwenyth Whitlock. In his attempts to shake off Remus and get back at the boy he doesn't realize that smaller hands are holding him too.

He flings his arms, struggling against the hold. He only stops when he hears a squeak of pain that is far too feminine to be Remus. He stops fighting, turning quickly to see Gwen holding her cheek and cursing quietly.

"Ninnie," He breathes, reaching out and snatching her up into his arms. "Are you okay?! Fuck! I thought you were Moony."

She grimaces and mutters, "You have oddly sharp elbows, you fucking baboon."

Sirius feels a surge of guilt, his heart still racing and his hands still itching to beat the groaning boy behind them.

"Let me see," He insists, heart sinking when she moves her hand and shows off the already blooming purple on her cheek. He feels sick.

"Are you okay?" She wonders, glancing over his shoulder at Gilderoy Lockheart pulling Jonathan to his feet. He looks awful, bloodied and bruised to oblivion. She changes her question, instead sighing and asking quietly, "What did he do?"

Sirius' Adam's apple bobs as he swallows roughly, looking away from her. He can't repeat the things that he said. He won't. When he looks back at her he's surprised to see mirth and understanding in her eyes. He expects some anger, he did just beat up her boyfriend after all.

"I suppose it's a good thing I didn't shag him, huh?"

His eyes fly back to hers at her cheeky tone, his jaw dropping slightly before he asks incredulously, "Aren't you mad?!"

He pulls his wand out of his pocket and mumbles a quick healing spell. His heart slowly returns to its normal rhythm, just as her bruised returns to its normal color.

She just shrugs and says tiredly, "No point in being mad. You've done it for me. Very dramatic scene, Black. I love the theatrics."

Maybe it's her teasing words or her resigned face that makes him act irrationally. Sirius pulls her into a tight hug, much to both of their surprise. The music is still going around them, the people that stopped to watch the fight too drunk to do anything but return to dancing and singing. He holds her tighter, trying to remember if he's ever hugged her before. And if not, why it had taken him so long to do so.

Her hands gently rest on his shoulder blades, her face buried in his chest as she mumbles, "You're suffocating me."

"Don't ever date another prick like Wood ever again," Sirius scolds, ignoring her words and resting his chin on her head. He closes his eyes for a brief moment, still unsettled by the fact that Jonathan could say such things about her. And that the lads around him didn't say anything about it.

"Can you let go now? I'm seriously not breathing all of the way."

He chuckles and releases her, muttering, "Come on, Ninnie. Let's go watch James make a fool of himself."

She grins and nods, holding up one finger to make him wait though. Sirius tries desperately to not smile when she fills up two cups with whiskey, handing him one and saying,

"Did you see Pete? He's like a bloody dementor! That poor girls face."

Sirius snickers and nods, guiding her through the crowd with one hand protectively placed on her back as he replies,

"I'm sure we'll hear all about it tomorrow. If he remembers that is."

Gwen laughs, saying playfully, "I doubt James will remember either. It's a shame, I think Lily has taken a liking to him while he's drunk."

Her heart feels warm when they return to their friends, Dorcas and Marlene finally having made it over to watch the show. Marlene grabs Gwen's arm and yanks her away from Sirius, mumbling quietly,

"Gwen, the whole brooding body guard thing is totally hot. Forget Wood, bang one out with Black."

Gwen wrinkles her nose and replies disgustedly at the language, "Merlin, Marlene."

The Scottish witch just cackles, shoving her back in the grey eyed boy's direction.

Gwen glances at Dorcas talking rapidly with Remus, a drink clutched tightly in one hand while she gestures wildly with the other. She hides her smile behind her cup, noting the way Remus is smiling and adding in comments and question.


Gwen raises her eyebrows and turns to where James is still lounging in his chair, a glass of water hanging limply from his hands. Lily sits next to him, looking both appalled and amused by the boys behavior.

"Yes, James?" The Veela wonders, coming closer to lean on the side of his chair. He pats her back and slurrs, "I think it's swell that you and Wood aren't going out anymore. He's a twat."

Gwen shrugs and leans in close to whisper, "It's a shame he's such a prick. Not a bad kisser."

James gasps and opens his mouth wide, but Gwen clamps her hand over it before he can speak, saying sternly,

"Oi, you tell my secrets and I'll tell yours."

His eyes practically bug out of his head and he nods quickly. Gwen suddenly flinches back, shaking her hand as she asks flatly,

"Did you have to lick me?"

He shrugs, muttering something incoherent.

Gwen glances up from the boy, her heart skipping a beat when she sees Sirius standing close by with such a content look of amusement it makes her heart sing.

He winks at her, lifting his cup. She can't help but do the same.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now