Chapter 163

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Sirius glances back and forth between Gwen and Remus, feeling an unsettling amount of guilt.

Regulus looks much the same, squirming uncomfortably at Euphemia and Fleamont's dinner table. James is too busy chowing down to realize the awkward silence in the air.

Gwen pushes her food around, looking her usual passive self. But her eyes are tired, and Sirius knows it's from using her magic. Remus avoids looking at anyone, his chair scooted as close to the Veela's as possible. The beings, the creatures. Sirius feels sick, because he knows that the run in with his biological parents hadn't been easy on them either.

Fleamont clears his throat, breaking the silence by asking, "Did everyone do well on exams?"

It's such a parental thing to say that Sirius can't help but let a chuckle escape. He nods, replying quietly, "Yeah, James and I both got Outstanding in defense against dark arts."

James nods his head, his chest puffing out with pride at the happy look on his mother's face. Regulus speaks up, offering, "I got E's on the classes required for a Healer apprenticeship."

Mia looks so proud of the boy that Sirius wonders if she may cry, warmth spreading through his chest when Fleamont offers a very pleased congratulations.

Mia turns to Gwen and Remus. The werewolf has perked up some at the mention of exams, his face slightly more cheerful as he says, "I got Os in everything except for Care of Magical creatures."

Mia's smile fades when Gwen says quietly, "I haven't looked."

Sirius' heart clenches and he wants to tell Remus to switch spots, so he can grab her hand. Fleamont's brow furrowed in confusion, his voice curious as he asks, "Why not?"

"Didn't seem necessary," Gwen replies with a shrug. "I haven't the slightest idea of what I would want to do anyway. And even if I did, I'm limited by what the ministry would deem appropriate."

Mia and Monty's faces both fall at the girls words, the table growing quiet again. Sirius' throat feels tight because as much as he sometimes felt like he couldn't read the girl he'd come to love so deeply, he knew exactly what the expression on her face was right now. Overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed.

"Ninnie—" James starts, his eyes round and his voice wavering. Gwen quickly cuts him off, standing and scooting back her chair in one motion.

"Thank you for dinner, Mia," Gwen says warmly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. "I think I'll turn in for the night."

Sirius stares after her when she disappears from the dining room, wishing that they hadn't run into his parents that afternoon. That they'd apparated to the beach as soon as they'd landed at the train station.

He turns to Mia and asks softly, "May I be excused?"

Fleamont smiles and quickly nods his head, Mia saying kindly, "Of course, love. Is there anything you think we could do?"

Sirius feels warmth spread through his chest at the kindness of the Potters. If only everyone had parents as loving as them. Sirius shakes his head, smiling slightly as he replies, "I don't think so. If I think of something I'll let you know."

Mia nods, an encouraging smile on her face as Sirius scoots back his chair. When he passes Remus he quickly reaches out to clasp his friend on the shoulder. He couldn't understand what his werewolf friend was thinking, but he knew that Remus' discomfort this evening had to do with Wallburga and Orion, and perhaps the scar that muddied Regulus' dark mark.

Sirius sighs to himself when he climbs the stairs of the Potter's house, relieved to hear that there was some easy laughter and conversation continuing in his absence. He hesitates outside of the guest room across from James' room, remembering the last time he'd stood here. His lips twitch at the memory and he knocks gently on the door.

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