Chapter 188

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{{mature for the first half of this chapter! (: enjoy!}}

Gwen loves the state just between deep sleep and waking up.

It was warm, dreamless. She feels weightless at that sweet spot of slumber. So she's not exactly pleased when something pulls her from that perfect place, leaving her brows to knit together in confusion.

But it's not something.

It's someone.

The Veela groans in disbelief as she begins to wake up, her voice raspy from rest as she mutters flatly, "And why are you waking me up?"

"Testing a theory."

Gwen refuses to open her eyes, refuses to leave the beckoning warmth of sleep. She sighs and grumbles her reply, "And what theory is that?"

"That you'll be less grumpy when I wake you up this way."

She makes a small noise of confusion, perplexed by his words. For as much as he teased her about her riddles, he had a few of his own. But she soon gets her answer, her face twisting into one of shock when she feels his smile against her thigh.

Her eyes snap open, upper body lurching upwards as she asks, "What are you doing?!"

Sirius grins up at her, his broad shoulders barely fitting between her legs. Gwen narrows her eyes at him, the mischief written across his face leaving her slightly breathless. She gasps when he simply answers her by pressing another lazy kiss to the inside of her thigh.

She blinks at him, her face one of disbelief and Sirius cherishes the look of surprise, considering it a win to add to his growing list of triumphs. Though his smirk soon turns to a scowl when Gwen muses bluntly, "You look like a floating head."

Sirius rolls his eyes, kicking the comforter hiding his body off and onto the floor. Gwen let's out a noise of frustration, missing the warmth of her blankets despite the heat creeping up her cheeks. She sighs, reluctant to admit that his boyish smile and messy hair were rather cute.

He takes her silence as intrigue and grabs her knee, gently pushing her legs wider to fit him more comfortably. The Veela rolls her eyes when he asks cheekily, "Still grumpy?"

She expects him to scowl the cute way that crinkles his nose when she quips, "Yes."

He just smirks, sliding his lips higher, his tongue tracing the curve of her hipbone before he bites down, a knowing look on his face when Gwen's breathing stutters and her head falls back.

"How about now? Still grumpy?"

His voice flirts with her ears, her body slowly melting into the mattress as he lavished her abdomen and inner thighs with open mouthed kisses that leave her skin covered in goosebumps.

She forces herself to answer, mildly embarrassed by the raspiness lingering in her throat as she mumbles, "Still grumpy."

She feels his shoulders shake from stifled lighter, feels his lips quirk into a smile against her skin, and then she feels him move lower, exactly where she refuses to admit she wants him.

"Sirius," His name comes out as a shaky whisper, her eyes clenching shut at the first tantalizingly slow kiss to her center. Her legs shake, her hands flying to tangle her fingers in the waves of his hair. Her mouth grows dry at the groan of delight that sounds from him, her fingers tightening in his hair as he licks her slowly. He's gentle, a stark contrast to the multiple rounds of roughness last night...and early morning.

Gwen cries out quietly when his mouth moves higher to suck on the bundle of nerves begging for his attention. Sirius moans again, pulling back enough to whisper, "Fuck, you're perfect."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now