Chapter 82

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{{another triple update because ~I'm crazy~}}

Rest was futile.

Gwen's mind, usually serene and simple, was full of worries and what ifs and fears she didn't know she had. Sirius, Peter, and James had escorted a very gaunt looking Remus to the shrieking shack while everyone else was at dinner, leaving her to her own devices.

The only other person that knew was Lily. Remus had finally confirmed her suspicions about at least one thing—his status as a werewolf. It had been far less dramatic than Remus was anticipating, Lily seemingly more intrigued and supportive than the disgust he had feared.

Lily and Gwen had spent some time together in the common room, when everyone else went to sleep. Gwen had told her what Snape had said, but Lily didn't want to discuss it. They gossiped for a bit, chatted about classes and boys. But then her copper haired friend began to fall asleep on the couch, so they both agreed that if something went wrong and she needed help, that Gwen would come find her.

Gwen bites her tongue when she settles into the boys dorm, finding that while she did like the warmth of the red and gold, she missed the beckoning blue silk sheets covering her bed that she often daydreams of in class.

She is pleased to hear the familiar whistle of wind, so high up in the tower. That much Gryffindor and Ravenclaw shared. She's restless, flops down on every bed to see if one is more comfortable. She flushed when she recognizes the luring sent of pine and cigarettes and broom polish when she settles into one bed. She quickly gets out of it like the action is too intimate, like sitting in Sirius Black's bed without him here will get her in trouble.

When an unnerving thought about who else has been in his bed creeps into her mind she sits down at the desk off in the corner and half heartedly begins doodling on the spare parchment, quickly brushing aside thoughts of the girls that followed her boyfriend around.

She again reminds herself that she needs to purchase a watch because she has no long how long she's been here. Has no idea how long this may take. So she leaves the light on, remains wide awake. She wanted to be awake.

Despite her consciousness, she still jumps when the door suddenly bangs open. Gwen's eyes widen at the haggard group of three boys, Peter largely supporting the weight of both Sirius and James.

"Where's Remus?" Gwen questions apprehensively.

"Hospital wing," Peter forces out, stumbling slightly as James and Sirius both lean more weight on him.

She quickly gets to work, gesturing silently for Peter to help her set them on the floor. There's a wide gash across James' chest, a groan leaving him as the torn fabric from his shirt sticks to his similarly torn skin.

"Padfoot," James grunts. "Get Padfoot first."

"James," Gwen begins, eyes wide at the sight of his flexing muscle. Muscle. She could see some of his—

"Ninnie!" James barks, making her jump. She quickly turns away from him and crawls to Sirius, eyeing the awkward bend in his forearm, the tiny tear that hints at bone that wants to break through his skin. She breathes in through her nose, apologizing profusely,

"Sirius, I'm so sorry but this is going to hurt terribly and I-I don't—"

"It's fine, love," He slurs, groaning quietly when his arm shifts slightly. Gwen quickly looks up at Peter, assessing him for anything terrible. A few nasty looking scratches on his face, but otherwise fine. Besides the horror on his face. He jumps when he realizes Gwen is looking at him, saying quietly, "I-I can help."

Gwen nods, saying quickly, "Start with James. Do you know Vulnera Sanentur?"

Peter looks at her nervously, not answering. She closes her eyes and says gently, "It's okay, Pete. Just hold Sirius' hand for now."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now