Chapter 86

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Gwen crinkles her nose as the wind whips her hair into her face.

The end of September had brought on crisp fall air over night, much to the enjoyment of her friends. She preferred spring, but did find that her heart swelled now at the sight of the red and golden leaves. Sodding Gryffindors.

She doesn't jump when someone appears next to her, just smiles.

"Regulus, I've been looking for you," Gwen says in a sing song voice, fighting a smile at the boy's disgruntled eyeroll.

"I'm aware," He grunts. "Peeves has been harassing me for a week. How you've gotten him wrapped around your finger, I'll never know."

"Perhaps it's the other way around," Gwen replies nonchalantly, finally smiling at the weird look he gives her.

"Care to join me?" She wonders, peering out at the falling leaves dancing in the wind. Regulus quirks a brow, sounding very much like his brother when he snorts, "Do I have to answer any more riddles?"

His lips twitch when she laughs, eyeing the way her head falls back, like she's talking with the wind. She turns to face him, shaking her head with mirth and replying, "No riddles. I'm meeting up with the girls to watch Quidditch try outs."

Regulus hesitates, curious as to why this girl insists on being his friend. Especially after the things his father said at the platform. Especially when she knows that he hasn't completely given up on his family, on his past.

"Remus and Peter too," Gwen adds in a blasé tone. "Marlene has created a drinking game, so it's sure to be interesting."

Regulus smiles slightly. He'd taken a liking to Marlene. He'd taken a liking to Remus too.

His cheeks are a faint shade of pink when he begrudgingly says, "Fine. But if my friends—"

"They won't see. And here," She unties her blue and grey scarf from her neck, reaching up and wrapping it around the collar of his dark throat. She shrugs and teases, "Today, you're a Ravenclaw."

Regulus nods to hide his reluctant smile and they begin the trek to the pitch in comfortable silence. It doesn't take as long as he'd thought it would, the only unfortunate part is climbing up the winding stairs to get to the stands.

"You're dating my brother," Regulus finally says. "Officially."

Gwen let's out a hum of acknowledgement, peering over her shoulder and asking honestly, "Does that bother you?"

Regulus grows uncomfortable under her searching eyes. She compels him to be honest, to feel. And that makes him nervous. He shrugs and mutters, "You're certainly better than any of the girls my parents were considering marrying him to."

He's not sure what he expects her reaction to be, but the hearty laughter that erupts from her takes him by surprise.

She grins and teases, "Certainly not on the basis of blood though, Reggie."

He flushes and opens his mouth to quickly respond, maybe to defend his parents ideals, but she turns back around and then they both make the last short climb to shuffle through the stands.

"Oi, there they are!" Marlene cries, waving the Veela and the Slytherin over.


Regulus' lips twitch slightly. The group had planned for him to come with their blonde friend. His heart flips awkwardly in his chest. He wants to be mad, angry that this girl is forcing him to be a part of their group. Angry that he still sleeps with the muggle beads that she sent him under his pillow. But it only makes him crack a wry smile.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now