Chapter 102

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{{hopefully you guys like this one, it's kind of filler. Sorry it's taken me so long—rough couple of days! Just trying to get through finals (: I love you! }}

Gwen stares at her hands, closing her eyes and then opening them quickly, like flames will appear only when she isn't looking.

Sirius stifles a smile, instead reading her new addition of The Quibbler, Xeno Lovegood's magazine. He turns it upside down, brows furrowing in confusion. James snickers and asks, "Why are you even trying, Padfoot?"

"Because," Sirius retorts. "I want to know what Ninnie said was so funny. She told me I have to figure it out for myself."

Lily smiles slightly, glancing up from her spot next to James to look back and forth between the Veela and Sirius. The head boy and head girl were in a very flirty stage now, their first date having gone exceedingly well. They already had plans for a second, James trying hard to convince Sirius and Gwen to join them.

Though Lily knew that the veela's free time was full of other things for now. All her friend had said was that she was practicing her magic. And while Lily and Marlene and Dorcas were content to let their friend have her secrets, Sirius knew particularly how stressed his girlfriend was. She still couldn't say why Dumbledore had taken an interest in her, only that she really needed to practice more for whatever it was they were doing.

Gwen makes a tiny noise of frustration and Sirius sets down his magazine. He slides his palm against hers, an impressed look appearing on his face as he says encouragingly, "You're getting warmer."

Gwen blinks and nods once, too focused on her fingertips to glance up at him. Sirius frowns sympathetically and moves his hand from hers, instead tangling his fingers in her hair and soothingly playing with the ends. He feels a flare of triumph when she noticeably relaxes, a puff of smoke and cinder appearing against the lines of her palms at the same time.

Gwen's lips twitch slightly at the sight, fully slumping into Sirius' side as the exhaustion hits. She'd spent hours this week practicing, and she knew she was close. She knew it was just out of reach.

And while her charm had come forth willingly, eagerly even, her fire was playing with her. An unfortunate and exhausting game of hide and seek. Dumbledore's most recent meeting with her weighed heavily on her mind. More people were dying. And while he offered her an out every time, gave her an opportunity to quit, she couldn't do it. Because watching Lily Evans read the Daily Prophet every morning with bated breath made Gwen's heart hurt.

Sirius slips his arm around her back and murmurs quietly, "Why don't you take a break for the rest of today?"

Gwen goes to protest but he gives her a serious look, a concerned look. He'd seen her grow this tired before. And he wasn't excited by the prospect of her spending any more time in the hospital wing. Gwen hesitates before nodding. She scoots away from him enough to lay her head down in his lap, a smile pulling at her lips when he conjures a blanket that spreads out warmly across her body.

He chuckles, watching her sink in deeper into the sofa, his hands finding her hair. He rubs a few pearly strands between his thumb and pointer finger, relishing the softness, the way it catches light like the whitecaps of waves. He smiles at the thought, eyes moving to study the side of her face. He traces her smile, grinning when her lips twitch and quirk up further.

"You guys are disgusting,"

Sirius smirks when he looks up at James' voice, watching as Lily elbows his friend and scolds, "Don't be rude, James."

James grumbles something Sirius can't hear. All he knows is that Lily elbows him again, causing Sirius to say smugly, "Thank you, Evans."

Lily grins and nods, ignoring the scoff she gets from James. They all look up when they hear the portrait hole, watching Remus climb in. He looks pale, but happier than he normally does during the full moon cycle. Gwen smiles when Remus merely lifts her feet before sitting down and placing her limbs back in his lap.

Sirius bristles slightly, possessiveness over the girl flaring slightly. But then James points out something that even surprises the Veela in Sirius' lap.

"Moony, is that a hickey?!"

Remus sinks lower into the couch, flushing at Lily's gasp and the snort of laughter that comes from James. Gwen cranes her neck and says boredly, "Lily has them too."

Lily turns a deep red and promptly glares at her honest friend, her face practically growing when Sirius teases, "Oi, right on, Prongs."

Gwen glances down when she feels someone give her ankle a squeeze. Remus shares a grateful smile with her, his cheeks pinking again when Gwen just winks subtly. Sirius misses it, but he doesn't miss the way Remus is touching his girl. He growls lowly, "Moony, watch your hands."

Remus quirks an amused brow. Gwen just sighs and turns so that her body is facing him. Sirius looks down at her with a sour look on his face. James nudges both Lily and Remus, mouthing for them to watch.

Gwen smiles slightly and asks, "Tu es jaloux?" [are you jealous?]

Gruffly, he responds, "Je ne veux pas qu'il the touche." [I don't want him to touch you]

The Veela laughs and slips her cold hands under his sweater, playfully teasing his skin. He wonders how she can make him feel so warm, so happy even when he's trying his hardest to be grumpy. His lips twitch slightly, his face stoic as he stares at her. Gwen says simply, pinching his side gently before running her fingertips lightly against his ribs,

"Je t'adore."

Sirius smiles reluctantly and relaxes, his voice far more soft as he replies, "Je t'aime, mon ange." Gwen let's out a hum of contentment when he bends to reach her lips, her heart doing flips of excitement in her chest. This boy.

She laughs quietly when he pulls her closer, her feet slipping from Remus' lap as Sirius leans her up against his chest. He pecks her lips once more, pausing slightly when he hears stifled snorts of laughter.

His head whips up and he flares at James and Remus, both of them turning purple from holding in their laughter. James finally bursts, guffawing, "Padfoot, it embarrassing how soft you've gone."

Remus nods in agreement, snickering, "You're completely whipped mate."

Gwen smiles sympathetically when she sees Sirius' ears turn pink. She scoots closer into his chest, pulling the blanket up to cover them both as she warns, "James, one more word and I'll charm you."

Her eyes turn to Remus and he quickly shuts his mouth, James following suit when Lily snorts, "If anyone is whipped it's you, Potter. You've been asking me out for 7 years."

Sirius smiles smugly at his pouting friends, pleased to have his girlfriend and Lily Evans on his side.

They were rather hard to argue with.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now