Chapter 181

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Gwen smiles slightly, the chill in the air stinging her cheeks slightly.

Fall was approaching quickly, as was James and Lily's wedding. Though today wasn't about dresses or flowers or what linens to put on tables.

Today was about the Order, and Gwen was rather excited. Or as excited as she could be. She hums quietly, just loud enough for Sirius to hear from where he's standing next to her. He smiles slightly, head growing foggy from her magic. He bumps her slightly with his hip, mumbling, "Careful, Inferi."

Gwen shoots him a coy look, her lips quirking up as she replies softly, "Tu aimes ça, mon soleil." [You love it, my sun.]

Sirius chuckles, shaking his hand up to tug gently on her hair as he mutters, "Ne m'oblige pas à t'embrasser, mon étoile." [Dont make me kiss you, my star.]

Gwen laughs quietly, shaking her head. She's just about to offer a crass and rather blunt response when Dorcas appears, saying tiredly, "When will this bloody meeting start."

Sirius goes to answer as Dorcas continues in speaking, but is momentarily distracted when a noise of appreciation sounds from the quiet being at his side.

The Veela's eyes suddenly light up, round and sparkling with contentment, her feet carrying her away from Dorcas and Sirius despite the conversation she was supposed to be apart of. Dorcas merely trails off when she walks away, sighing, "So much for that story."

Sirius chuckles, patting her on the shoulder, though his attention is focused on Gwen. He and Dorcas look on in surprise when the blonde being comes to stand in front of Mundungus Fletcher. Sirius didn't much care for the wizard, and is confused by the hug that he and the Veela share.

"What the fuck," He mutters, sharing a confused look with Dorcas. He looks back at where Gwen and the thief stand together just in time to see him nonchalantly slip something into her waiting grasp. He catches only a glimpse of glinting gold before it disappears in her pocket.

"Did you see that?"

Sirius glances at Dorcas, finding that she looks just as perplexed as he feels. He hesitates before saying, "Yeah, I did."

Dorcas quirks a brow at him when Gwen begins to meander back over to them, a passive look on the Veela's face. As if she hadn't just done business with one of the most notorious thieves in Europe. Sirius shrugs at Dorcas, answering her unspoken question, "Sometimes it's just better if I don't ask."

Gwen wedges her way in between Dorcas and Sirius, a content hum leaving her. She's either blissfully unaware of the odd look Dorcas is giving her, or she doesn't care. Sirius guesses silently that it's the latter.

"Don't you think it's time that you not associate yourself with Mundungus Fletcher?" Dorcas finally asks, ever the concerned and motherly friend. She huffs when Gwen offers a measly shrug, Sirius shooting her an amused look while watching people file into the room. His excitement grows when he sees Minnie. A familiar face in the sea of new people that Sirius was feeling slightly uneasy about. He nearly leaves the Ravenclaw's to their conversation when he spies Peter, but stops short when Gwen muses wistfully, "Time. Of which we have both too much, and not enough. Funny, isn't it?"

Dorcas blinks, her mouth opening and closing as she tries to formulate a response. Sirius bites back a laugh, not used to seeing the clever Ravenclaw lost for words. Dorcas finally scolds, "I thought we'd discussed your riddles. It's fine when you say them to bother Sirius—"

"Oi!" He cries, his brows furrowing at Dorcas. She waves him off, insisting, "But don't try to use them to distract me, you little—"

"Please, Dorcas," Gwen chides, nodding her chin towards Dumbledore as he enters the room. Sirius smirks at the Veela's twitching lips as she continues, "I'm trying to listen."

Dorcas scowls at the Veela, grumbling, "Listen, huh? Fat chance of you ever listening, Ninnie!"

Gwen grins at her friend, endlessly entertained by Dorcas Meadows' inability to let a puzzle go. A Ravenclaw through and through. She reaches out and pats her on the hand, saying gently, "Apologies, love. Would a wager improve your mood?"

Dorcas tries to look uninterested, though she soon nods her head up and down quickly. Sirius begins to wonder if this is what conversations between the two had looked like back at Hogwarts when they were up in their tower full of royal blue and books. Or in Gwen's case, magazines.

"But I get to pick the bet," Dorcas warns, smiling triumphantly when Gwen simply nods. The brunette Ravenclaw peers around the room, a thoughtful noise escaping her as she thinks. She finally says, "I bet you five sickles that Regulus will wear green today."

Sirius snorts, looking around for his brother and finding that Regulus is no where to be found. It was a rather safe bet for Dorcas, though Sirius looks at Gwen in surprise when she shakes her head and says plainly, "No, not today. He's wearing maroon today. I'll up the bet to ten sickles, Dorcas."

Dorcas shrugs, the three teenagers turning just in time to see Remus stumble into the room. Much to Dorcas' surprise, the werewolf is wearing green. She scowls when Regulus appears a second later, looking flushed and dazed with a rather big maroon sweater hanging from his body.

"Told you."

Dorcas curses lowly, frowning at the Veela. Sirius crinkles his nose, asking lowly, "And how on earth did you manage to guess that one, Inferi."

Gwen hums, her eyes following Remus and Regulus as she responds boredly, "Who said anything about guessing?"

Dorcas slips away while the Veela is distracted by her boyfriend, no intention of paying Gwen any amount of sickles. Sirius smirks down at the blonde, his hands eagerly fitting to her waist. She quirks a brow and murmurs, "You're awfully touchy today."

"Haven't had a moment alone with you," Sirius replies quietly, craning his neck to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. She jumps when his hands grow tighter, her heart thrumming happily in her chest. "Want to sneak away? It smells like old people in here."

Gwen laughs, turning her head to catch his lips in a kiss that he thinks is far too quick. He groans, slumping into her as she chides, "Not today. Besides, snuffles. I have a feeling you'll want to be around for what we discuss today."

Sirius grunts in reply, simply turning the girl in his arms so that he can lean against her back, his chin resting comfortably on her head. Gwen smiles at the newcomers looking at her and Sirius with varying expressions, waving when she spies a few new friends from her recent travels.

Dumbledore finally speaks up, saying warmly, "Welcome back, everyone. A rather large thank you to Euphemia and Fleamont for hosting us this time. We've yet to find a headquarters that will suit us all."

Sirius' brows furrow at the odd wizard, yawning as he continues with boring formalities. His eyes close lazily, the gentle aura from the being in his arms pulling him into a sleepy state. He's not sure how much time has passed, but his eyes fly open when he hears,

"This mission shouldn't be dangerous, though there may be interactions with some influential wizards and witches that the dark lord has interest in. Miss. Whitlock—"

Sirius looks down, a frown already settling on his face when Gwen says nonchalantly, "Yes, just as we've discussed."

Sirius doesn't feel the pang of irritation at secrets. Instead he feels worry, his lips already parting to protest. But then he stops, halted by more words from her angelic voice,

"Sirius and I will go this evening, if that is soon enough for you."

Gwen smiles to herself when Dumbledore nods, easily moving on to the next matter. Her grin feels permanent when she feels the storm of energy behind her bend to whisper in her ear,

"You and your mysteries. About bloody time you let me in on them."

Gwen hums at the happiness in his tone, her voice mockingly sincere as she tuts, "Order Business, Mr. Black. This is no joking matter."

Sirius chuckles, pinching her side and hoping that she can't tell how excited he is. Hoping was fruitless.

The bloody Veela knew everything.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now