Chapter 76

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When Gwen and Dorcas sneak back to the compartment, Marlene is there silently raging,

As soon as the compartment door slides shut, she explodes,

"What the fuck is wrong with people?!" Marlene cries, her hands waving wildly in the air. Gwen quirks a brow, merely taking her seat and opening up her Witch Weekly.

"Why aren't you mad?!" Marlene yells, stomping her foot like a petulant child. She stares at Gwen, mouth gaping in shock. She throws her hands up, saying exasperatedly, "That's it! I'm getting off this train and beating the hell out of these awful people!"

Dorcas quickly moves in front of the compartment door, warning, "Marlene, don't."

"Dor, I swear on Merlin if you don't let me through—"

Dorcas silences her with a flat look, the Scottish witch's hands fisting by her sides. She mutters crossly, taking her seat next to Lily. Dorcas let's out a relieved sigh, sitting next to Gwen and asking, "Gwen, shouldn't—"

Banging on the compartment door suddenly earns their attention. Gwen barely glances up, eyes quickly returning when she sees who it is.


"Gwen," He calls through the glass, eyes wide and desperate. She nearly tells Marlene to send him away. But then she thinks better of it, sighing and muttering, "Let him in."

Regulus stumbles slightly when the door suddenly slides open, scurrying inside and rushing out, "Merlin, Gwenyth I'm so sorry. I didn't think—I don't know—my father—"

"Your parents made their opinions perfectly clear," Gwen says simply, folding her magazine and staring him down. Regulus shifts uncomfortably under her pale gaze, prickling running up his spine. He swallows roughly, opening his mouth to speak. She beats him to it, voice firm,

"Sirius is not to find out about this."

She watches silently as Regulus' face grows more pale. His mouth opens and closes a few times, voiceless. Gwen's eyes narrow, her voice still uncomfortably calm as she wonders, "What did you do?"

Regulus, normally put together, rather stoic himself has turned into a stuttering mess. All from seeing his father treat her so poorly. She'd done nothing to deserve it. She'd done nothing. He rambled, rubbing a hand through his hair,



Dorcas, Lily, and Marlene all look at each other with wide eyes. Gwen sighs at the rather loud noise, merely opening her magazine back up and popping an Acid pop into her mouth. She was going to need it.

Sirius suddenly appears in the compartment, grey eyes wild and chest heaving. He'd been running up and down the compartments looking for her. Regulus showing up to speak to him was shocking enough. But what his brother had told him had sent him into a spiraling rage he couldn't control.

His eyes quickly catalogue Gwen, heart clenching at her magazine and the familiar white stick coming out of her mouth. His eyes move lower and he nearly has to leave to be sick. Deep purple marks blemish the tan skin of her upper arm.

"Everybody out."

Lily splutters at his dangerously quiet words, saying indignantly, "Black, you can't just—"

"Did I stutter, Evans? EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Marlene quickly grabs Dorcas, the two of them shoving Lily and Regulus out of the compartment. As soon as the door is shut Sirius casts a locking charm.

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