Chapter 120

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{{I love this chapter}}

"I don't see why I can't accompany you," Gwen argues, pointing a finger at Dumbledore.

She'd been pestering him for hours, determined to make him take her with him to Durmstrang. They'd spent the last several days traveling and discussing what should be done with the school, and when the headmaster concluded he would have to visit, she'd been excited. Until he told her she would have to stay in the village they'd set up camp in, a small town outside of Vratsa.

Dumbledore smiles and sighs like a tired parent, reaffirming, "You heard Gregorovitch. Durmstrang will hardly be pleased to see me. They most definitely won't accept me with you there as well."

Gwen bristles and spits, "That is complete bullocks!"

Dumbledore peers at her over his glasses and reassures, "I don't like it either, Gwenyth. But you are the one that came up with this idea."

Gwen rolls her eyes, sticking her tongue out petulantly before retorting, "Yes, I'm aware! I was under the impression that I would go with you, considering you asked for my bloody council in the first place!!"

Dumbledore bites back another smile at her frustration. She had already been a valuable asset. The Veela villages certainly would not have welcomed him or heeded his warnings if not for her. He doubts Gregorovitch would have either. He trusted her abilities, but taking her to the castle would be far more dangerous than leaving her behind.

"Can't I just—"

"No," He says firmly, quirking a brow when her palms begin to glow. She scowls at him and tucks her hands in the pockets of her coat. Being independent for so long had left her unprepared for an adult telling her what to do. Though she knew he was right.

She finally sighs and grumbles, "Go then, before I beat you to it."

Dumbledore nods, warning, "Do not stray from the Village, Gwenyth. And be aware, Veela are viewed as too extremes here. Ethereal, or beastly. Do not confront anyone, and do try to blend in. If there's danger—"

"Use my Patronus, yes I know," Gwen sighs, nearly flipping him off. But then he's gone with a resounding 'pop' leaving Gwen to look out of the window of the inn towards the distant mountains where she knew Durmstrang lay hidden.

She gathers her coat and her wand, hesitating briefly before tugging a hat on to cover some of her hair. It was snowy in the village, the sky grey and overcast. She resigns herself to walking around quietly, avoiding ever being caught alone along a street or alley. She stuck close by the crowds while still keeping her distance. She uses some money that Dumbledore left her to purchase a delicious pastry that tastes of pumpkin and cinnamon.

She licks sugar free of her lips as she walks, feeling a little more content with something sweet in her belly. Her steps falter when she sees a man with black hair. Her mind briefly convinces her it's the boy she's been missing, but then he turns.

It's not Sirius.

Just a muggle and his friends playing a game in the street that Gwen doesn't recognize. Her heart breaks slightly, a new wave of longing rushing her. The boys must see her looking because they begin to wave her over.

She hesitates for a brief moment, but expects no animosity from them. Dumbledore's warning pertained to people in the wizarding world. Not muggles. They had no idea what she was, though she can see them looking at her eyes as she approaches and it makes her tense.

The boy that she thought looked like Sirius speaks up in a heavily accented voice, "You speak Bulgarian?"

Gwen smiles slightly and shakes her head, replying, "English. Or French."

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