The Reunion Part 2

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"Y'know Roman, this would go a lot quicker if you would help them instead of insult them. Who wants to work for an asshole?" Y/N said tossing the last crate into the bullhead as the other Faunus began to bow and thank him furiously. "Would you all relax? I'm just a dude here, don't put me on a pedestal like pretty bull boy."

"But sir, you're the most amazing person in the White Fang! Your story is an inspiration to us all. You're the King of Liberation!" A female Faunus called out.

"You guys give me too much credit." Y/N said bashfully. "I'm just glad we can all work together like this. Brings a tear to my eye. All these tiny wittle Faunus joining hands in-"

"Oh shut it." Roman said rolling his eyes. "Now that we're done why don't we get out of here so Neo can stop giving me the stink eye for keeping you busy."

"Huh. So tonight was the night she was gonna ask me out on a date huh?" Y/N pondered. "I guess that's why Neo was so pissed at Cinder for the scheduling. I tried telling her it wasn't my fault."

"You and your budding harem." Roman sighed. "I'd say lucky bastard, but each of them are insane."

"What can I say I'm irresistible." Y/N grinned as Neo happily nodded behind him. "Heh, good to know my confidence isn't for nothing. So about this date night."

"Everybody freeze!" A angry voice called out from behind Y/N as he turned around to face Neo. He whipped back around to see his sister, Blake Belladonna, holding Gambol Shroud, which he helped name by the way, to Roman's neck.

"Oh come on!" Roman whined.

"Brothers and sisters of the White Fang, why do you aid this human?!" Blake roared out looking everywhere but at Y/N. For the young boys part, he was at a loss for words. His previously precious sister was now holding her sword to one of his good friends neck. What was he going to do? What was he supposed to say? How was he going to save Roman?!

"Oh hey Blake." Y/N waved cheerily as Blake looked shocked.

Y/N had thrown out his past emotions for Blake our long ago. Both the love and the hate for her were non existent now. He never expected to see her again, but he didn't really care that she was there now. For now though, Y/N just whistled.

"Didn't expect to see you here, but damn. Don't know if you've got the memo big sis, but Roman officially started working with us after he helped me and Adam out two years ago." Y/N said leaning back into the bullhead. "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm Y/N, your little bro you killed? Yeah I'm not dead. And you didn't kill me. Wait...that one was kind of obvious. I really need to stop listening to the whole PTSD voices in my head thing. Does NOT help get me ladies."

Neo and Roman just looked at each other.

"Wait this is your sister? The one whose name is on you-" Roman started but was cut off when Y/N threw a dust crystal at him.

"You can't just say that out loud! That's my chastity and ultimate secret Roman!" Y/N said jokingly.

Blake just looked between Y/N and Roman trying to understand what the hell wa going on. What was most important to her right now though, was that
Y/N was alive and kicking.

"Geez I'm sorry!" Roman snarled back. "Anyways big sis Bella I'm gonna have to ask you to let me go!"

Roman kicked his cane up and hit Blake in the face with it as she stumbled backwards. He dashed forward and shot a bullet at her before it was blocked by Sun. Sun grabbed her and ran to the side as he held her close.

"Blake! Are you alright?!" Sun asked worriedly. He checked her body before reaching to grab her waist before Blake slapped his hand away.

"Really? At a time like this?" Blake deadpanned before seeing a shadow cover the moon.

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