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"Nngh..." Y/N stirred in his sleep. His body was sore, but he couldn't feel the pain, just the tightness of it all. He breathed in deeply to try and regain some sense of establishment, but he ended up only smelling a something far fouler than he could imagine. Blood. Shit. Gunpowder. Decaying corpses. All of the things that could mix together to create the most vile smell imaginable, unfortunately, a smell
Y/N had smelt before. However, this time it was accompanied by many screams of agony and horror. He slowly opened his eyes to see a huge steel door that was very familiar to him. In fact, he was the one who had built it back up and into a steel wall. He sighed as he slowly got up. "What is happening now? And how did I get back to Menagerie?"

He looked down to see himself in the same clothes he was in after the Fall of Beacon. Literally. It fell.

Graham was on his back and his pistols were strapped to the sides of his chest. He looked around before hearing a voice behind him.

"We have to keep going." Jaune's voice echoed in the chamber. "They've probably made contact by now."

Jaune was beaten and bloody as he talked to three other figures. Pyrrha. Nora. Ren. They all looked much older and were also beaten and bloody as well. Their weapons looked worn and their armors were destroyed.

"I hope Team RWBY is okay..." Ren sighed. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Nora cracked a small smile as they made their way up to the giant throne room door. Jaune took a deep breath before opening the door while
Y/N trailed behind.

"Y/N!" Jaune roared out as he rushed in. The current Y/N jumped and squealed like a girl in fright as he caught his breath. Obviously they couldn't see him, but it felt like they could. Especially Jaune. His hardened eyes were cold and calculated. They almost tore right through him. Pyrrha and Nora both looked completely defeated and worn out while Ren looked angry. Like a man on a mission solely to kill his most hated enemy.

"Wait...if they're not talking to me then that means-!" Y/N rushed into the room behind them as the door shut quickly. "Oh shit..."

"Hmph..." A man with white hair and cat ears, cobalt black eyes, accompanied by sleek purple and black armor with a glowing scepter in his hands sat on top of the throne with a purple and black dragon, obviously Graham, sleeping around the throne. Jinn slept nearby, but had turned purple and black with her shackles broken. She laid back and slept soundly on a Arabian bed nearby. Raven laid at Dark Y/N's right leg completely naked while Winter was at his feet writhing around naked as well. Amber laid down at his feet, curled up beneath him. Cinder took the middle of his legs and was grinding herself on them while a naked Summer and Charlotte sat on his lap. Charlotte was twisted too as her hair had gone white and devil horns had appeared on her head. Her eyes became a dull white and her body had become pale. Salem was chained up behind Dark Y/N with a collar around her neck and chains dragging on the floor as she crawled towards Dark Y/N panting. Nearby, Team RWBY was desperately fighting Dark Y/N's Grimm creations.

"Blake!" Ruby called out as Blake dashed and slashed a Ursa and Yang pummeled a Beowulf major. Weiss defended them all using ice and glyphs as they finally noticed Jaune and his team. "J-Jaune, you're finally here!"

"Yeah." Jaune said hardened as he looked around. Ilia, Penny, Tai, Goodwitch, Qrow, CFVY, Willow, Ozpin, Theodore, Ironwoods, Polendina, and everyone else were all laid on the floor dead and dismembered. Pyrrha covered her mouth in disgust and Ren and Nora looked away. Jaune merely stared right at Y/N. Adam was off to the side breathing heavily with his sword planted into the ground with blood pouring off of him. He looked up with defeated eyes as he made eye contact with Jaune. With a nod, Jaune stepped forward as he looked up at Y/N. "Alright...why don't we end this?"

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