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"Look I'm sorry!" Y/N said walking behind an angry Cinder. "But you have to admit, telling Jacques Schnee I fucked his daughter while I maim him would be priceless!"

"So you threatened the safety of the mission in order to flirt with the enemy? Who, mind you, you are absolutely supposed to loathe?" Cinder said turning around harshly as she glared at the boy. She crossed her arms and huffed with anger as Y/N rubbed the back of his head. "You are as immature as they come."

"Oh come on! It'd be so funny!" Y/N said throwing his hands up in the air. "I didn't mean anything by it I swear. She's not even close to you or Neo."

"We will discuss your actions later." Cinder grumbled. "For now the mistress has called a meeting. Your encounter with your sister as well as the silver eyed warrior has piqued her interest."

"We both know how this is gonna end." Y/N deadpanned. The last few times Salem requested a report from Y/N, it had ended with her showing a weird motherly instinct for the Faunus. Nobody in Salem's court knew if it was a positive or negative feeling however.

"Maybe if you could control your hormones this would not be a problem. You flirt with everything in sight and somehow have no problem doing it." Cinder snarled back. "Every situation you've been in since you joined us has been of your own consequence. Eventually it's going to catch up to all of us. If this happens again there will be consequences here too."

"Fair enough. Buttttt..." Y/N wrapped his arms Cinders waist. "You can't say that's a bad thing."

Y/N leaned in to kiss Cinder as she came centimeters away from his lips before putting her finger in between them. Cinder's gaze pierced Y/N's lackadaisical attitude as he pouted.

"You won't be flirting your way out of this one boy." Cinder pushed him away with a seductive grin as she traced his chest with a finger. "I suppose if you want to make it up to me you'll take responsibility for your actions and accept your punishment?"

"Ohhhh fuck me." Y/N gulped looking at the expression on Cinders face as she leaned in. She blew wind in his ear before tracing his chin with her finger.

"With pleasure." Cinder pecked his cheek before turning back to the door and knocking on it. She flattened her dress out and fixed her hair as she stood tall. "However, that will have to wait."

"You tease..." Y/N pouted before slapping his face. Sighing, he fixed his cowlick and looked forward. "Let's get this over with."

As the two giant doors opened Cinder and Y/N were met with a giant table with a throne at the opposite head of where they were at. Windows allowed the terrifying crimson sky to shine in as it illuminated the characters sitting in each chair. On the right side of the table was Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai, and the chair that was meant for Cinder. On the left side of the table was Hazel Rainart, Arthur Watts, and Tyrian Callows. Cinder quickly bowed towards the figure standing in front of the window as it, or rather she, turned around. The Grimm Queen herself narrowed her eyes as she stared down Y/N and Cinder. She stretched her arms out in a welcoming manner as she spoke.

"Ah Cinder...I see you have completed your recent mission in Vale." Salem began. "I'm quite pleased with your performance these days. Since Y/N has joined our side it seems as if your potential has risen even higher. Though I often wonder if that's out of malice or lust."

"My queen, your words honor me." Cinder said with her head bowed as Y/N lazily stood next to her slouched with his hands in his pocket. "I will continue to do my best for your sake."

"Good." Salem said simply as she turned her attention to Y/N. "Little seems you have returned in one piece."

"Come on, no cop, criminal, or huntsman stands a chance against me." Y/N grinned. "How many missions have I been on now for you? I think we're close to 150 at this point. I'm a returning employee after all.

The Flames of Betrayal  (Male Reader x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now