Overwhelming Power

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to the chapter where Y/N beats the ever living shit out of everyone's favorite characters! I just wanna make something clear before it seems like Y/N is too OP. Right now he can't beat any of the maidens aside from Winter nor can he even come close to Salem or Ozpin. He will be more powerful once he gets his sword back, but as of right now he's not OP. He SURVIVED his fight with Salem, he didn't come close to beating her and only escaped because of Elmer and Summer. Without his powers he's about the same combat ability as an emotionally in control Adam, (don't get me started on that in the canon), and with his current control over his powers he's near normal Raven level of badassery. Once he unlocks more of his potential and gains control of his power he will get closer to a maidens power level. As of right now, 2/4 maidens can whoop his ass, aside from Winter who still doesn't know she has the Winter Maidens Powers and Cinder/Autumn whose fate hasn't been decided yet. (Will be explained later.) So while each of the main characters are strong in their own right, the only ones in this fight who can truly stand up to Y/N one on one are Winter and Pyrrha. Everyone else is strong enough to last a long time, but those two are the definite strongest out of the group. Of course, keep in mind that they aren't trying to kill him, which means that they aren't going 100% while Y/N is physically and mentally unable to go 100% because he has no control over his actions as of right. I will also say that right now there is currently only one way for Y/N to actually die for good and that will be revealed soon.

Lastly, quick question: this story has been HEAVILY story focused. Would you guys like to see more fluff and shit between the characters? I think my story has put a lot more emphasis on the plot than the inter workings and relationships of the characters. Obviously with the type of MC Y/N is it's a bit harder with the good side of the cast to just throw them together. Let me know what you all would like to see more of! I know I've gotten requests to see more of Yang, Blake, and Summer with Y/N specifically, so any others you'd guys like to see would be welcome. Let me know what you guys think and thank you for all of the support! Criticism is also welcome if any of you guys think I could've done better or written the story/scene in a more fluid and understanding way. Love ya guys!


"Oh shit...." Yang exclaimed as energy poured off of Y/N. Everyone had just witness Y/N break out of the metal restraints, begin screaming, and transforming into whatever he was now. His entire body was engulfed in black and red armor while his arms had turned into black claws. His hair had turned pure white while his skin tone became paler than snow. The mask on his face his his eyes so nobody could see them, but everyone was quite terrified of the armor on him. His body was protected by shining black and red armor. Not only were flames surrounding him, but unusually black aura was filling the room. All of the lab equipment in the room was destroyed or pushed back. The shield protecting Ozpin, Goodwitch, Summer, and Polendina cracked as the scientist in the room began to freak out.

"NO!" Polendina roared as he tried to turn on some machines to restrain Y/N or reverse the original device. "No! No! No! This wasn't supposed to happen! It was supposed to target one emotion at a time not override his entire system!"

"Polendina what is going on?!" Summer exclaimed with worry evident in her voice.

"Padraig injected Grimm extract into his body utilizing the same techniques as the fire dust! Y/N's emotions have been completely overridden to the extreme. He hasn't just lost control of his consciousness, he's lost control of his personality! If this keeps up the original data will be lost!" Polendina said terrified. "If Y/N can't break out of this and we can't stop him, then he very well may go on to destroy Vale. As of right now, I believe he is completely on Salem's side."

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