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Wow so option 2 won by majority. I honestly would've guessed option 1 would win, but I was wrong! Anyways, enjoy the chapter boys!

Got a comment about why Y/N didn't just use his powers to destroy everything and escape with little to no issue, but I lost it so I'll answer it here. There's two main reasons why he didn't. The first was because his body is still incredibly weak at that point. He was technically dead for an entire week until his body healed, so his system was still in the processing of rebooting and getting the right nutrients to run at full potential. So he couldn't feel any of the pain, but he was extremely malnourished. The second reason is because he needs Raven to open the vault as the spring maiden. Sure he could just fight her and see who comes out on top, but overall it's easier to just use her as an ally.

I also got a comment about Yang being Y/N's eventual step daughter if he were to get with Raven while also having her in the harem. All I can say is...I'll figure out something...probably.




"I think I'll stay the night." Y/N said stretching his arms. "I need as much rest as I can get until I'm back to full shape and ready to kick some ass."

"Wise decision." Raven nodded as she turned. "Follow me."

Y/N whistled as he walked next to Raven to find out where he would sleep. His mind began racing over all the possibilities that could come out of this situation. One was very obvious.

"Erm, so Raven." Y/N began as the pair kept walking. "I'm not exactly afraid of your husband, but I gotta say...what happens if the dude finds out we're gonna bang?"

"You mean Taiyang?" Raven said without much care. "I wouldn't worry about him too much. We simply fell out of love when I left."

"Sounds like you dumped him without even so much as a text honestly." Y/N mumbled as Raven glared at him. "I've never met the guy, but he couldn't have deserved that much shit right?"

"Tai wasn't a bad person. Naive, but strong enough to take care of himself and his close friends. After I had Yang...I realized that he simply wasn't the man I held feelings for. My true feelings were angled towards the Branwen tribe and making sure they were safe. Had no need for something like a weak marriage to tie me down. I made it clear to him that things weren't working out so my departure wouldn't be too much of a shock to his system. Unfortunately, I learned it had been. I was the one who coached Summer into getting together with him in the first place. She never knew it was me, but someone was guiding her from afar."

"Aw well look at that! You're such a big softie!" Y/N went to pat her on the back before she cut off his hand. "Oh. Okay."

Black flames encompassed his hand as it slowly grew back until the flames disappeared. Y/N flexed his hand as he looked at it then back at her.

"This...this is gonna happen a lot isn't it?" Y/N sighed as Raven remained stoic.

"That's up to you." She sheathed her sword, but at the very last second Y/N could've sworn he saw her smile.

'Well now we're getting somewhere.' Y/N thought as the two came upon the biggest tent in the tribe. It was red like all the others, but it was massive compared to them. As soon as Y/N walked in he saw the usual table and desk in the middle surrounded by chairs and other things. Maps, weapons, and other things were strewn about the room as Y/N whistled.

"You didn't bring me here to clean did you?" Y/N said as Raven shot him a glare. "Okay stick in the mud. Don't you think you'd ever benefit from lightening up a little bit? I mean what the hell do you have to be so edgy about? Probably your weird hair. Ever thought about taking a shower? Yang is fucking weird about it."

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