The Apple of Adam (Pt. 2 Final)

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"That's my side cleared out." Cinder said to herself contently. She made her bow disappear before turning back to see Raven sitting on a rock nearby, waiting for her to finish up. "And you?"

"I've been done for a while now." Raven said angrily. "And after watching you I don't see why Y/N decided you should've inherited the powers of Fall. I think Amber or that Spartan chick would've been a better option."

Raven got up and began walking.

"I can't believe I'm doing orders for that freak." Raven sneered. Cinder eyed her as she walked behind the other maiden.

"Why ARE you here?" Cinder spoke up. "I don't mean to parrot the bull, but if you're so against all of this and are supposedly only out for more power and your tribe, you might as well wait until the final battle."

"I'm here for my offspring. That's it. Taking out Salem and Ozpin is merely a benefit. Y/N is a means to an end." Raven said as Cinder eyed her.

"Don't you have a child?" Cinder sighed. "Yang right?"

"What of it?" Raven said as she tore her sword out of a body. Cinder rolled her eyes as she knocked anoter guard out by stepping on his head. "If you're so confident asking me what my motive is, how about you then?"

"I..." Cinder hesitated and looked away. "I don't quite know."

"You don't...know?" Raven scoffed. "Fat lot of help you are."

Cinder and Raven began walking around after hiding the dead and unconscious bodies of the guards behind bushes, rocks, and in ore wagons. They kept an eye out for anyone coming in or out as they conversed.

"Emerald fights for validation and for love from Y/N and I. Adam fights for redemption and friendship. Mercury...he fought for revenge and for the thrill of it all. I don't know what the others fight for. Ilia, Amber, Arslan, and the rest. Yet they all seem to have some...motivation." Cinder looked at her hand. "All I wanted was power and now that I've gotten it...I'm lost."

"..." Raven listened without a care, but grumbled at what she was hearing. "Power supply absolute Cinder. You don't need to have a specific goal in mind. Being able to overcome anything at anytime is the glory of being strong."

"That's what I used to think." Cinder grimaced. "Until now, I've just wanted to get power and serve Y/N...but I don't have that motivation anymore now that I've gotten the power I wanted."

"So leave them." Raven shrugged. "No point in you being here."

"..." Cinder looked down. Was this the right call? If Neo could do it even when she had feelings for Y/N, couldn't she as well? She got her power and now she needed a goal. Taking down Salem was the end goal, but she needed to learn how to use her maiden powers effectively to do so. There was no telling how or when they were going to stand off against Salem. Could she really be someone to fight Salem after all the times Salem dominated her? "I-"

"Two little piggies, prime for the roasting~!" A sing song voice called out as Raven and Cinder immediately dodged a blast of black magic. "Sienna! You missed!"

"Maybe if you wouldn't have CALLED OUT TO THEM?!" Sienna yelled back as Tyrion giggled. "I can't believe I got out on this mission with YOU!"

"Oh come on now dear, the mistress sees great promise in you. It's why she lent you her power of course. I am simply here to make sure you do not fail her highness again." Tyrion grinned. His eyes turned back to Raven and Cinder.

Cinder and Raven looked up at Sienna and Tyrion who were standing atop a large rock in front of the mine wall. Sienna looked even grosser than before as her previously black veins had been replaced with blood red veins while her eyes had turned pure black. She wore a tight black and gray sneaking suit while Tyrion was in his usual garb with his Grimm appearance and Deathstalker heart pounding in his chest. The black veins surrounding his body pulsed with every movement he made as the duo dropped down in front of Raven and Cinder.

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