Cat vs Bull!

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"Ugh..." Y/N grimaced as he opened one eye to see the sun peeking through the curtains and bars. "Morning already?"

Y/N reached for his scroll off the nightstand and quickly turned off the alarm. He sat up and began to stretch out his body, specifically his neck.

"God damn..." Y/N tried everything to get the creak out of his neck. However, it was to no avail. The giant metal ring around his neck prevented much bending or turning. He slept like he had a damn neck brace on. He reluctantly got up and went to go to the bathroom before getting dressed as he looked in the mirror and groaned. He was still getting used to the whole feeling pain thing as he touched his sore cheek. A giant bruise was present from when Ironwood socked him. He flinched as he touched it lightly.

"Great. Day keeps getting better and better." Y/N opening up the bathroom cabinet to pull out a bandage. He quickly took the paper off and placed the sticky part onto his cheek until it covered up the bruise. He found some painkillers next to them and took some as well to help. One thing was for sure, he'd never take his powers for granted again. After doing all of that he checked his scroll to see multiple texts from Ozpin and Blake, Ruby, and Yang.

"Please try to behave yourself Mr. Belladonna. I know this is the least on your list of things to do, but I genuinely believe this will help you move on to do greater things in life. Let me know if there's any way I can help. Behave yourself for the foreseeable future and I'll consider removing that inhibitor.

- Ozpin"

"Hey Y/N~ I can't wait to spend the next few years together, I bet we're going to get very...very close. Anywhoooo, I wanted to know we're gonna swing by to pick you up for breakfast. We'll introduce you to JNPR! They're the room in front of ours and they're good friends of ours. We'll be by around 8 so be ready hot stuff.

- Your Future Lover, Yang"

Y/N immediately trashed that one with a deadpan look on his face. Onto the next!

"Hey Y/N! I hope you had a good nights sleep because I've got a full day planned out for us! I promise things will start to look up for you and I have the best plan. We'll start with breakfast before going to class and slacking off together. (Don't let Weiss see your texts or she'll give me that look she always does when she's disappointed in me) After that we'll head back to the RWBY dorm and play some video games. Then before dinner we'll go and play tag outside. I love running and Blake told us you used to be one of the fastest Faunus around when you were a kid. Then we'll finish the day off with a Bruce Sprillis movie! I can't wait!

- Your Next Best Friend, Ruby"

He couldn't lie. It brought a smile to his face as he could tell the girl was trying her best to cheer him up...though he'd rather die than be caught doing any of that with her. He sighed as he put Yang and Ruby's contacts into his phone. Better to know who's annoying him than not. And finally, the last one didn't surprise him at all.

"Hey Y/N, I'm sure you're not exactly in the mood to talk, but I figured I'd let you know Yang and Ruby are going headstrong on trying to recruit you into their list of close friends. Just a warning. They did the same to me the first day we met. It's not the worst thing in the world though.

I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm sorry about Sienna and what happened with Adam...I am really glad to see you again. I'm not asking to go back to the way we were, but I just want you to be happy and live your life the way you want to. Whatever you want me to do whether it be stay out of your life or anything I'll respect your choice. It's the least I can do after what happened. I just want you to know that I love you more than anything.

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