Cyclical Foundation

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"Shit..." Adam fell to his knees. His breathing was ragged as he could barely stand up. Black and red blood seeped from his wounds and one of his horns was completely sliced off. In front of, Arslan leaned into her sword and tried to control her breathing while clutching her rib. She leaned up after a flash of light covered her and she was back to full health. "You just don't give up."

"I have a mission I need to finish." Arslan said flatly as Adam peeked at Y/N behind him. For the past 10 minutes, he's been searching for a way to get him to the others so that he could be revived, but it was no use.

"Just one the hell did you get so strong? This isn't normal." Adam stood back up determined to keep fighting as he raised his chipped sword. "You really are a she beast."

"Your words are nothing to me." Arslan began walking forward. "Look at you, you can't even stand. Give up and let me finish him off for good."

"No." Adam said flatly as he raised his head and bore into her eyes.

"Then you'll die and I'll-"

"ADAM!" Jaune yelled out from across the battlefield. Adam heard the hundreds of bullets being fired behind them as Grimm flooded in from the sky and ground. Jaune, Ruby, and the rest of their group all stood nearby, witnessing Adam's fight. His grip on his sword loosened Amber appeared beside him in a second and caught him before he fell over.

"Hey there leader." Amber smirked. "Enjoying the promotion?"

"Piss off..." Adam pushed off of her and steadied himself up.

"Are you all quite done with this useless fussing yet?" Salem yawned. "I'm getting bored of this."

With a flick of her hand, thousands of Grimm appeared as the group stepped up to Adam.

"Are those..." Yang whispered as Adam grunted in response.

"Yeah...those are the people who were murdered. That tree is what's giving Salem more power than usual. She called it the Tree of Death or something." Adam coughed a bit. "It doesn't help that our traitor over here has been playing us this entire time."

"Arslan..." Summer clutched her chest. "Why?"

"..." Arslan stared forward as her army of Grimm surrounded her for support. She raised her sword, about to command them forward.

"Mom...somethings weird about her. Her aura is...not there?" Ruby spoke up. A myriad of colors were filling her vision as she gazed at Arslan. Her eyes narrowed and the rainbow of colors condensed into one shining light. "That doesn't look normal."

Summer narrowed her eyes and looked at Arslan again, this time seeing the colors that Ruby was talking about. Her eyes widened, but before she could speak, thousands of more Grimm began spilling out from the sap made by the tree. Salem sat upon her throne, itching to end this fight and kill Y/N once and for all, so she thought she should do whatever she could now.

"How're we supposed to kill all of them..." Blake mumbled as everyone stepped up. "There's...going to be millions of them."

"Ammo count?" Ren spoke up as everyone checked with grim faces. "As I thought, we're running low."

"We've been fighting for so long...this is going to be even worse." Weiss spat. "Stupid fucking witch and she cu-"

"WEISS!" Ruby screeched. "Swear jar!"

"Ruby I don't think that's the-"

"ENOUGH!" Salem roared. "If you're done with your jesting may I commence the annihilation of your race?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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