The Flame of Betrayal

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"Son of a bitch..." Ironwood grumbled as he loaded up his revolver. Rubbing his scruff he clenched his jaw in anger. Roman Torchwick stood before him, bloodied and broken. His face was barely recognizable and his hair was strewn about. Winter, Tai, and Willow all stood by while Polendina hid Penny's eyes. The group had separated from the main attack force led by Ruby and Jaune. Left to his own devices, Ironwood did what he did best. Use brutal force and a decisive will to attain a sure fire victory. Ozpin, Theodore, and that bastard Leo Lionheart were all plotting against him, he knew they were. They disagreed with him didn't they? This entire situation could've been avoided if Ozpin and his council had only let him take control of all of the kingdoms and expanded his military might. Worst of all, people were looking to that disgusting criminal Y/N when they should've been looking to him. Who was the person who kept them safe for all this time? The person who continued to fund scientific breakthroughs that would push their technology into the late 2100s, making it nearly a century early! So why, why was he the villain here?! "Specialist Schnee, I want an overview on the other Specialists ASAP!"

Winter quickly pulled out her scroll her and fiddled with it before finding what she was looking for. Each of her teammates were listed with some auras in the green and others in the yellow. Luckily, all were alive for the moment as they had no idea where they were.

"They're all alive sir." Winter barked back. "I will do my best to locate them and-"

"Forget it." Ironwood snapped. "They're alive and they'll continue their mission no matter what."

"James you need to think rationally." Tai spoke up. "Your city has literally fallen and...and millions just died. What're you-"

"Enough!" Ironwood cut him off. "I know what I'm doing!"

"I hope you do James." A sophisticated voice cut through the tension as everyone snapped to the source. Qrow Branwen stood with a young boy wearing farm clothes. He had brown hair and was a bit shorter than Ruby was. His eyes were coalescing with blue and golden brown that gave a clue to what was happening to the young boy. Ozpin's cane was right next to him with the gears turning in it. Qrow held a grim expression and turned his eyes away from everyone else.

"Q-Qrow?!" Tai stammered. "Is that-"

"Indeed. It is me Tai." Ozpin gave a warm smile in the boys body as he walked forward, Ironwood halting his rants for a minute. Winter stood at attention while Willow still struggled to catch her breath. "However, I am not known as Ozpin. In this form I suppose I've taken on the name...Oscar."

"Old friend...what're you doing here?" Ironwood said concisely. "How do we know this isn't one of your illusionary tricks that green haired criminal has?"

"I suppose that is a strikingly accurate truth." Ozma rambled. "The body I inhabited before is in that bullhead is it not? I can only hope that my appearance and the reaction this weapon has to me is proof enough of who I am. Simply put however, we are not granted the time to combat against each other. Salem has ruined an entire city already, are we simply to stand by and watch?"

"It's not just Salem it's that damn Faunus!" Ironwood barked with fury. "They're both responsible for this...this genocide!"

Ironwood struggled to compose himself and began to turn red as Ozpin allowed him to get it all out. Turning towards Qrow, the old bird nodded before stepping forward.

"We have a way to get rid of all of this. Salem, the kid, Ozma...all of it."


"Adam!" Y/N yelled out as Adam and he rushed forward towards Salem. Y/N manifested a sword out of nowhere and thrusted it forward to Salem. Salem caught it with one hand before turning her gaze to the sword appearing in Y/N's other hand and catching that one as well. Y/N's mouth bubbled up with flames as he released a fire breath into Salem's face, which she treated it like a small wind.

The Flames of Betrayal  (Male Reader x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now