Into the Desert

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A/N: Someone asked me, "if you could choose any kind theme song for this book, what would it be?" Didn't want to blow my load too early, but if I had to choose one song, it'd probably be the song Unjust Sword (Stab the Sword of Justice) from the Persona 5 x Star Ocean crossover. Such a great song that has multiple different character arcs in it, which apply to so many different developments in this book specifically. Give it a listen if you'd like!


Darkness. Complete and utter darkness. The world around Y/N was void of any color or life as he floated in it.

One thing stirred in his slumber.

This feeling was familiar. (And so was that intro)

His eyes stayed shut as felt the lifeless void surround him, making him feel as if he were floating in the air. His eyes snapped opened and they narrowed as the world around him began to crack and shatter as his anger rose.

"So you knew and you decided to just not tell me? Decided to only say that I was some chosen one to save the world because I represented the balance in it." Y/N said angrily. "Or was it just so you two could have a little fun, eh pops?"

Dark and Light appeared behind Y/N as he turned around with an angry expression.

"Y/N, you must realize that we could-" Light tried, but Y/N cut him off.

"Couldn't what?!" Y/N snapped. "Couldn't tell me that I wasn't even a real person?! I'm sick of all this secret shit, I want to know what I am!"

"Child you must relax." Light responded as Dark placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded.

"Perhaps it is my own fault." Dark sighed. "I should've told the child from the start."

"Ya think?" Y/N scoffed while Dark just closed his eyes and Light nodded.

"I believe it is only fair to tell him the truth now Brother."

"So it seems." Dark nodded in agreement. "What would you like to know?"

"What am I?" Y/N said quickly. "I want to know what I am, who I came from, and what relation I have to you. If I'm not a Belladonna, then who's my family?"

"You have none." Dark said flatly. "In all states of nature, you are an anomaly. You should never have been created in the first place."

"Well that's what I was expect-wait what?" U/N said confused. "W-What the hell do you mean?"

"Both you and that young lion should have never been created. Your existences by themselves are complete mistakes. A being full of darkness or yin and a being full of light or could never be human nor Faunus because both have an imbalance of yin and yang." Dark explained as Y/N just rubbed his eyes.

"Great. So I'm an oops baby." Y/N said as he sighed. "So what the hell was the point of making me some prophet of you guys? Just something to bide your time? Someone to do your dirty work just so you can raze the world? C'mon, lay it on me!"

"We decided to make you king, because you've beaten your destiny more times that it should have been possible." Light spoke up as Y/N cocked an eyebrow. "Bluntly put child, you should be dead."


"Yes, you should've died far long ago." Dark interjected. "Beings of pure darkness or pure light lack the necessary components of a true living being. You're not a bundle of natural elements, but a secluded box of one single element. Without the necessary attributes, the natural world should've killed you long before you even aged past 13. Human beings along with Faunus would've had you culled if they knew of your origins. With your experimentation and Arslan's procedure, this should be evident. "

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