A Lions Pride

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Like always, I don't own any of the base material of RWBY nor the music used! Make sure to check out gvgkid for his awesome remixes!

Also! We finally have a discord server! Everyone there is super nice and chill, so come on down. We're in the process of creating some gaming, movie, and anime events for everyone to hang out and talk, so come check it out link is on my profile wall. Appreciate it boys!


"Graham...come on. Just tell me what happened!"
Y/N exclaimed as he and Graham walked through the town. Ever since Y/N returned with Graham and Neo back to the manor in the morning, Graham refused to talk at all and only muttered curse words every now again, cursing Y/N and his future children. Right now, he and Arslan were currently walking through the forest together. Y/N had an entire date planned, but Arslan hadn't been acting like herself in the days prior. She was on edge, fidgety, and her reflexes and calm nature weren't working.

"So...how is this gonna work exactly?" Arslan cocked her head as she looked at Y/N weirdly. When Y/N got back to the manor, he slept for a bit before waking up the next day to have a date with Arslan. The pair were walking along the woods and into the clearing where the war happened. Apparently the progress had been going swimmingly, the craters and uneven surfaces had been filled and smoothed. Small graves were strewn about with flowers and picture at each one.

"I'm just taking you on a walk Arslan." Y/N playfully punched her arm. Arslan shifted uncomfortable and Y/N took notice. He sighed before taking her hand in his and taking off. She took a sharp breath before they dashed through the memorial and out into the forest. They continued running through until Y/N suddenly stopped and Arslan slammed into his back...or so she thought. She phased through a cloud of embers and smoke as Y/N disappeared into thin air. Graham clanked to the ground as Arslan quickly stood up and listened for Y/N. Her ears twitched as she grit her teeth uncharacteristically.

"Take a seat lass. And prop me up on that tree over there would ye?" Graham said tiredly. "Me hilt is...dirty so would ye mind cleaning it for me?"

"Tch..." Arslan snorted before catching herself and shaking her head. "I mean yes Lord Graham, I'd be honored."

"Lord? Lassie, I haven't been called that in centuries. Just keep it to Graham. I don't mind a bit. I'm in the service of a young pervert. Don't worry about it."

"Right..." Arslan said before pulling out a cloth and setting it using her powers. She began to slowly washing Graham off as he sighed in content.

"Man, I wish the lad would actually use his fire on me once in a while. Gets these creaky metal bits working well enough on me."


"Hm?" Graham said confused.

"Why him?"

"Why who? Y/N?"

"Yes...why did you choose him?" Arslan said with more venom in her voice than she meant. She caught herself and grit her teeth again before calming. herself with a breath.

"Er, part of it was a necessity because of his heritage. Yet another part of it is because he just had my sword at the time."

"So why not me? Why did a Relic...or even you not choose me?! I'm the same! I'm exactly like him just different!" Arslan yelled before catching herself and backing up. "What makes us so different that our lives turned out differently?!"

"Arslan, dearie ya need to relax." Graham said as Arslan grit her teeth again and punched a nearby tree, having her hand go straight through it. "I can guess what this is about...."

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