Fierce Fighting Faunus

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"Tch!" Y/N clicked his tongue as Graham slammed onto a glyph. He activated his gauntlet and slammed into the glyph to try and break through it before he was blown back again by ice. Adam came up quickly from behind him with a fury of slashes that didn't even make a scratch in the glyph or the user. A hurricane of icicles rained down on both Y/N and Adam as they were pushed back. Y/N was perfectly fine, but Adam was all cut up and bleeding from the onslaught as well as their previous fight.

"Come up with any ingenious plans oh wise one?" Adam quipped as he wiped blood from his mouth. "We're getting our asses kicked here."

"Correction. You're getting your ass kicked. I'm just kind of playing around right now." Y/N said with a grin. "Don't you know predators play with their food for a bit first?"

"Yeah well right now he's playing with us!"

"Cmon Adam! Just think of this as....a learning experience. That just might result in us being impaled by thousands of sharp icicles that will inevitably lead to us being captured and then brought to Ironwood where we're tortured for eternity." Y/N said lazily as Adam just gawked at him. "But at least we had this bonding moment together right?"

"You are just...I don't even know anymore." Adam sighed as Y/N grinned.

"Hahaha!" The man in white laughed maniacally as Y/N and Adam snapped back to him. "You still don't get it do you?"

"" Y/N said confused as he scratched his head with his gauntleted hand. "I mean yes...wait no? Gah I never know how to answer these trick questions!"

"It's not even a trick question!" Adam retorted as Y/N looked at him angrily.

"You wanna keep talking and get your ass beat by two elemental super soldiers?!" Y/N growled as he and Adam slammed their heads together.

"C'mon asshole, I don't have all day! If you're gonna kill me kill me!"

Sparks rose as Adam and Y/N looked at each other with pure hatred before they heard clapping.

"Bravo. Truly, I mean this is fantastic!" The man said laughing. "Best friends turned best frenemies...truly a sight for sore eyes. Makes me want to gag on my vomit and die."

"Well...if that's all it takes." Y/N shrugged. "Adam I'm secure enough with my sexuality. Kiss me so we can have this bastard die on his own puke."

"Wha-no! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Adam roared completely grossed out.

"It was just a suggestion!" Y/N scoffed as he looked back to the man. "So! You said that I didn't understand it yet. What did you mean?"

"Our elements are polar opposites." The man explained. "Everything about us is different from our personalities all the way to our powers. You're nothing more than a flea under my shoe when it comes to invulnerability. Right now, you're facing the ultimate shield! Not only that, but because of your lack of training I have more control and ability to use my powers! I out class you in every...single...way."

"You're this scum really is stronger than you?" Adam mumbled as he breathed heavily. He wiped the blood off his head before standing back up. "How the hell are we supposed to win then if he is some all powerful shield?"

"Well he did just say that he's the ultimate shield which means I'm the ultimate sword." Y/N reasoned as he got serious. "The thing is, he's not wrong. If I didn't have Graham and it was a battle of just our elements, he'd mop the floor with me. He's been trained to use his powers and we still don't know what his semblance is. He has an entire arsenal of S class abilities while I'm stuck with the beginner C skills."

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