Reignition & Return

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There was nothing. Nothing but an empty void. It was deafening and blinding at the same time. Y/N felt like he was in a sense nullification tube as his body was bound in chains. He was on his knees as his arms were strung up in the air with black chains. His body ached and his heart felt heavy as his eyes were dulled and dark. It wasn't that Y/N was in physical pain or couldn't feel anything, but it was that he felt as if he was slowly being encased in cement with no room to breathe. In the real world time, he had only been in this hellish deprivation void for around 20 minutes. Inside the void, however, it felt like years. It had only taken a few traumatic visions to have Y/N lose control of his emotions and slowly begin to lose control of his sanity and mind. An already broken man slowly being brought further down by an intensity no human or Faunus could ever endure for more than a few seconds. This feeling of pressure swirling around his body was slowly breaking his mind down and down.

"" Y/N silently muttered out as he thrashed around one more time. He had barely been holding onto the small part of him that still trusted his friends. The part of him that rejected Padraig and Salem trying to take control of his mind. Y/N just tried to stand before another wave of emotion hit him hard as he screamed out in a weird tone, not able to hear his own voice. He began to shake in extreme fear as he could feel tears running down his face. What made this worse was that he was feeling pain. Great pain. His body on the inside was stripped of its powers and was being hurt by his flames and the attacks of the girls trying to get through to them. Each time his other self sent an attack he felt the repercussions of it. Each time Y/N was hit by an attack he grit his teeth in pain as he shook violently. Bruises, burns, cuts, and stab wounds appeared all over his naked body as he felt the chains getting tighter and tighter. Y/N's ears began to ring heavily from the silent void as his head began to ache.

"Argh!" Y/N groaned silently as he struggled in the chains. His head hurt so bad he couldn't even think right. The blistering pain was causing him to begin to lose consciousness as he struggled to stay awake.

"So this is it? Yer just gonna die and leave your lasses alone?" A sharp voice cut through the silence as a huge flash of light appeared in front of Y/N. "Ya can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk boy."

Y/N's ears stopped ringing at the new sound and his eyes snapped open as the void began to come alive. In front of Y/N was Destruction as he was stuck into the ground in front of Y/N.

"Destruction...?" Y/N called out wearily as his body ached. ""

"Aye laddie." Destruction called out as he appeared in front of Y/N. The light from Y/N caused his senses to reactivate as Y/N recoiled from the sensory overload. He thrashed about in pain before calming down thanks to the radiant light coming from Destruction. "Regained control now?"

"Yeah...think so." Y/N said smiling sadly. He tried to break out of the chains that bound him, but it was still no use. He grimaced as he fell to his knees again. "This might be what hell is partner."

"So I've noticed." Destruction retorted. "What made ya think coming in ta fight this thing now was a good idea? I knew ya were a moron, but Oum grant me patience."

"Probably could've chosen a better time, but I can't keep running from my own fear. I can't keep pushing all of this shit's eating away at me and I realize that if I ever want to do something with my sorry excuse for a life I gotta face it head on." Y/N said breathing heavily as he tried standing back up in a rage. He began thrashing around using the rest of his energy to try and tear out of the chains as Destruction sighed. "I can do this! I know I can if I just do what I've always done. I've been on my own for this long..."

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