Decision Time! New Opening! Update!

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For obvious reasons, I do not own anything used in this chapter aside from the story and other info aside from the opening. All rights go to Jonathan Young and the JJBA crews and creator! Again, thank you to my in real life friend Spencer for creating this opening! Hope you enjoy!

Music: Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town (JJBA) cover by Jonathan Young



An image of Ozma flashed to Ozpin before it then flashes Ozpin to Oscar facing Salem. Next an image of Salem in her human form flashed to her Grimm form and then to her facing Oscar. Then Y/N crashes in between them with a grin as the picture fades out into a title card of Flames of Betrayal!

Look at all the faceless gazes that are passing by
Fix this hole in my heart if I go left or right
The sky is the limit, this town and everything in it, so bizarre...

With his shoulders slouched, Y/N walks along the battlefield of the Menagerie Civil War with thousands of people staring at him. He grips Graham before running forward as the scene transitions from the battlefield back to Beacon. All of his girls await for him with smiles along with Goodwitch and Ozpin. Y/N smiles widely as the image then twists to the next scene.

(It's just a morning passing by)
And reluctantly I'm smiling!

Y/N is pinned down by Yang on his bed as she cries over him while he merely looks at her shocked.

(The victor undecided)
And I'm drawn to the mystery!

The scene changes to Y/N standing alone in front of the Amity Colosseum as he clenched his fists with a confident grin.

(A hidden starting line and)
It's lurking in the shadows, somewhere within this town!

Neo, Cinder, and Emerald walk up to Y/N's side as he nods and the scene transitions into them being surrounded by other teams in the arena. The picture zooms in on Y/N's face as his eyes spark with black electricity and the scene is taken over by black flames.

The time flies and we're flowing free
Bickering the day away as we
Are dancing all the way around
This crazy noisy bizarre town!

Y/N shoots forward as he clashes blades with Weiss, trades blows with Yang, shoots a giant blast of fire at Blake as she dodges back, finally he locks blades with Ruby as the scene then transitions into a distorted version. Flashes of a broken Penny, dead Pyrrha, and Ruby using her powers shoot through his mind before Y/N is found in the center of the arena once again. He looks up to the moon to see Dark and Light watching over him.

They're testin' you, they're cursin' you, bewitching your life
A drawn bow and arrow or the edge of a knife
You can't understand it, trust your heart, take a stand and you'll be fine...

Grimm begin to invade Beacon as the place is overrun as they all run around Y/N. He grits his teeth as he takes out Graham with Jinn on his hip. Jinn in her Genie form and Graham in his dragon form stand behind him. Eventually Charlotte appeared behind him with a smile. Y/N blasts forward into the heart of the Grimm.

(A cowardly conviction)
And it's breaking every silence!

Y/N holds out a hand to Jaune as Jaune's aura explodes out into the area as a crown sets upon his head. He gets up and grips his sword tightly while accepting Y/N's proposal.

(A destiny decision)
And it's tied ever selfishly!

Y/N and Amber stare at each other through the glass as Y/N touches his hand to hers. Her eyes shoot open as they shift to black before the scene changes.

(Around the corner healing)
Kid, your senses better sharpen if you're tryin' to win this town!

Y/N stands in front of Salem as he is the only person standing between Beacon/Vale and Salem as they lock eyes. They scream as they shoot towards each other once again as Ozpin clutches his cane from afar.

The time flies and we're flowing free
Laughing every day away as we
Are dancing all the way around
This crazy noisy bizarre town!

Y/N boards a bullhead going to Vacuo as he narrows his eyes. Four women stand alongside him as they all place their hands in while Y/N reluctantly placed his in as well. Eventually the bullhead leaves and Beacon is left crumbling and broken.

[Sax Solo]

As Y/N and his mystery group head to Vacuo, the rest of his friends and harem are split up, each doing their own objective. The scene flashes back to each of them remembering their dates and good times with Y/N as they all reminisce about him before carrying out their tasks. Eventually it settles back on Y/N and his group as they stare up into the giant pyramid like building that is Shade.

The time flies and we're flowing free
Laughing every day away as we
Are dancing all the way around
This crazy noisy bizarre town!

The next scene shows Y/N interacting with the locals and catching up with Neptune, Scarlet, and Sage as they show him around. Y/N goes on dates with the four people following him as they all look happy along with Y/N finally feeling the hole in his heart be filled back up.

The time flies and we're flowing free
Bickering the day away as we
Are dancing all the way around
This crazy noisy bizarre town!

The final scene shows Y/N face to face with Shades headmaster Theodore as the two lock eyes. The desert stands between them as they both begin running forward before the scene pauses as Y/N and Theodores fists stop inches for the others faces. The scene pans up into the sky as the four inhibitors of the Relics, Charlotte, Graham, Jinn, and Scarlet all look at each other with content looks as Dark and Light finally appear one last time. 


Hi, hey, hello there.

I think judging by the title you boys are going to have one hell of a time with this. So! This chapter is basically like a previous poll I did a while back, but for the next arc! Which is going to have its own opening, done by another friend of mine in real life, and also elements of its own original story courtesy of yours truly. Won't be as expansive as the Civil War Arc, but it is going to be it's own thing. However! Before we get to the original aspects of this arc, we are going to get through some more love for the girls, some more Beacon stuff with Ozpin and everything that Roman and Summer have found out, along with Yang knowing about Y/N's criminal side! So because of this, I need to have you guys choose another group of girls, excluding Summer, Weiss, Velvet, Blake, and Neo. So here are the options! Let me know if I forget any of them. Jaune and Ren are going to be on here, but I highly doubt they'll be chosen.



I feel like I'm forgetting some, so please let me know if I'm forgetting any characters, there are a shit ton after all!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and let me know your top 4 picks!

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