Cooling Down

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A/N: Holy shit guys 250 followers and almost 100k total reads?! That's amazing! You guys are way too awesome and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. Without any of you I wouldn't be so inspired to write this story and it makes me happy to know that even just one person enjoys what I write. I really appreciate the support guys, I love you all!

NOTES: Just gonna put this out there now, aside from Salem and Ozpin, Summer Rose and Raven Branwen are the two most powerful people on Remnant as of this moment and out of the people who have been introduced as of now. Winter has yet to unlock her powers, and the Fall Maidens powers are split between Amber and Cinder still, making the prior pair the strongest in the world.


"Hoho! You're approaching me?!" Y/N yelled in confidence towards the feral Grimm version of himself. The giant beast snarled in anger as Y/N just grinned and hoisted the piece of scrap metal onto his shoulder. "You're not running away, but actually approaching me?"


"Holy shit...that's terrifying." Y/N said off put as the Grimm roared to Y/N in a demonic voice before lunging at him. Y/N barely had time to dodge as he ducked out of the way before throwing up the piece of metal and locking eyes with the monster as they both clashed. Sharp claws colliding with metal screeched out as sparks began to fly between them. Amber met crimson as they both growled. Y/N grinned and spit in its face.

"But that isn't the line you're supposed to respond with!" Y/N retorted before mustering up his human strength as he pushed the Grimm back. The metal Y/N was holding was dropped as it turned white hot and burned his hands. "Ow ow ow! So this is what it feels like when I melt people?! Man being fully human sucks ass."

"Look out Y/N!" He heard a voice before quickly dodging as a claw sliced through the air. The Grimm began slashing erratically as
Y/N swerved, bobbed, and dashed away from it in every which way. He felt the pressure and heat radiating off of the Grimm as he avoided its attacks. The Grimm raised his arms for an overheated slam as Y/N dodged out of the way and kicked him upside the head. The Grimm threw his arms back before swinging and completely missing Y/N again.

"Up top!" Y/N chimed in as he jumped off of the back of the Grimm and punched the top of its head. It flailed around before Y/N began punching and kicking it in different places.

"Down low!" A kick to the stomach.

"Over here!" A punch to the side of the face.

"Right in the sweet spot!" Y/N grinned as he kicked the Grimm right in the chin and upwards. He kicked off of it and distanced himself before looking for some kind of weapon. "Cmon, anything?!"

He looked towards another piece of metal, but was quickly reminded that a giant hellcat was currently trying to kill him. The Grimm was on him in an instant and slashed at him.

"Woah!" Y/N dodged backwards, but was grabbed by the arm and pulled forwards. The Grimm socked him in the gut before slamming him into the ground multiple times and stomping on his arm causing a sickening crack. Y/N cringed before gritting his teeth and seething in pain. He held his good and bad arm up in a block as the Grimm thrusted its claws forward.

It completely ripped through the skin on his bad arm as it roared in anger. Y/N elbowed the Grimm in the side of the face and while it recoiled he used both of his legs to kick it off of him. Only having a moment of rest, he did his best to distance himself. He quickly grabbed another piece of scrap metal before the Grimm lunged at him again. He turned around and slammed it into the side of its face, but it wasn't enough to stop the onslaught of the beast. It slammed into him as it's claws curled up into giant fists. Y/N stumbled backwards and was socked upside the head with explosive hits as the flames singed his face. He felt his nose break and his jaw dislocate as he fell backwards before catching himself and slamming his forehead into Grimm, causing the beast to recoil. Y/N then speared the Grimm as he took them both to the ground before getting up and punching the Grimm's protective plating on the face, destroying the skin on his hands and his knuckles, but also doing a massive amount of damage to the Grimm. It roared before using one of its claws to stab into Y/N's side. Y/N let out a blood curdling cry of pain before the Grimm flung him off of its claw and he slammed against the wall and slid down it.

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