Loss of Importance

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"Well that was fucking awkward..." Adam groaned as everyone deadpanned at him. "What? It was!"

"Y-Y/N you're alive?" Emerald said exasperated. "But that's-I saw you-you just-"

Emerald enveloped Y/N in a hug as quick as she could. Pushing the thoughts of another Arslan out of his mind, Y/N wrapped his arms around Emerald and soothed her frantic emotions.

"It's okay Emerald, I'm here, I'm here." Y/N rubbed her head before looking at Adam and furrowing his brows. Adam shrugged as if to say, "don't ask me."

Y/N looked over to see Pyrrha and Ren who looked like they had just been in a fight while Nora had her eyes glued to Y/N and with her mouth open. Jaune just began to wake up at this time and everyone turned to look at him.

"Ugh...I feel like I just-" Jaune blinked and saw everyone looking at him. "Uh, w-what did I do?"

Them Jaune saw Y/N standing tall.

"AH!" He got you quickly and fumbled around with his sword as he tried to get into a stance. "Oh god not again!"


"Pfft..." Ren broke first.

The group was quiet as everyone looked at Jaune before bursting out laughing. Jaune blushed profusely as Pyrrha wiped her eyes.

"I'm assuming everything is okay Jaune. Y/N is not our enemy." Pyrrha said as she patted his shoulder.

"B-But he just tried to kill us!" Jaune stammered, still blushing profusely. "I just can't get down with the idea that-"

"Jaune." Y/N put a hand on Jaune's shoulder as the boy froze. He turned back to see Y/N's scarred torso and stoic eyes, which made him falter for a second before he held his composure. "I'm sorry for what I did. I knew if I told you what I was going to do, you wouldn't have surpassed what you were capable of. What you did back there was one in a million. Now all that's left is to train you and get used to your semblance and predecessors."

"Y/N..." Jaune looked at the sincerity in his eyes and gave a small smile back before nodding towards Nora who was still on the ground staring at Y/N shocked. "Apology accepted, you'll get your repercussions soon enough I suppose."

Jaune held out his fist as Y/N returned it.

"I have a lot to ask you, but thanks Y/N...for helping me even if it was done in a roundabout way." Jaune added as Y/N smirked before turning to Nora.

"So...hey Nora..." Y/N said as he walked over to her and crouched down to meet her gaze. "50 pancakes?"

No response.

"100 pancakes?"

Still not even a flinch.

"150 panc-"

Nora socked Y/N as hard as she possibly could before launching herself on top of him and pummeling his face into a bloody pulp.

"Is this some joke to you?!" Nora roared out as she began crying while the rest of JNPR looked shocked at her serious outburst. "Maybe it's funny to you or you get some satisfaction from it, but you're playing with our hearts!"

Y/N continued to allow Nora to beat on him, but could feel her attacks getting weaker and weaker.

"Over and over and over again you do this and keep the same secrets all to yourself without telling anyone!" Nora yelled down at him. "Do you know how it makes us feel? Do you know how it makes me feel?! You're sick Y/N you're fucking sick!"

Y/N caught her hand before it hit his face as she cried out one last time. The entire area went quiet as everyone just stared on. Although Nora was a bit harsh, she wasn't wrong. He had hurt Emerald and Pyrrha and on top of that caused a rupture between Amber and Arslan. Not only that, but Cinder and Raven were nowhere to be found, leading Y/N to conclude that Raven must've took Cinder somewhere like he guessed she would try. Only he didn't count on Cinder agreeing with her, which left a small hole in his heart he pushed down for now.

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