Summertime Citrus

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Discord references are going to be a thing now, so if you want to understand them, JOIN THE DISCORD. Currently planning a lot of events, with the main two being multiple DND campaigns along with a smash tourney! INVITE IN MY BIO!! We even have a few waifus in our server :3

Now here's your chapter you kinky fucks.


"I can not believe you young man." Summer chided as Y/N sat on his knees in front of her. They ended up in his room after she caught him and now she was laying down a beat down. He had a sign on his neck indicating that what he did was wrong and he was sorry for it as he took the verbal onslaught from Summer. Naturally, her motherly instincts kicked in and she focused primarily on reprimanding Y/N. Yet the young Faunus saw something else in her eyes. Something primal. Something that enjoyed doing what she was doing. He gulped as he saw her get more and more excited as she went on and continued her verbal beat down. She knew physical harm couldn't affect him, but words? That was a whole other ball game for them. "You could've destroyed Menagerie!"

"I said I was sorry! It was for a good cause Summer, cmon! Arslan is getting her emotions back and I wanted to help her slowly come to terms with them." Y/N pleased but Summer was having none of it.

"So you activated the two most destructive powers on earth?!" Summer yelled. "Do you know what you could've done? You could've died! Summer could've died! Where even is Graham!?"

"Oh. Here!" Y/N held out a hand as Graham reappeared out of a dark circled that Y/N pulled him out of. "Because he kinda broke, I can summon him now. Pretty cool right?"

"I hate ye." Graham deadpanned as Y/N sighed.

"Sorry." Y/N placed him against the wall before getting back on his knees.

"That was dangerous partner." Graham continued. "Ya don't understand what ye just did. Arslan will have no problems with her power. It's nature is inherently good and won't danger her. However...yer power is much different. Destructive. Uncontrollable. We combined Y/N. Ya took all of the dark energy out of me and combined it with yer own heritage to create a monster."

"So those dragons?"

"That wasn't what yer yin representation was supposed to be. It would've been more akin to an black leopard or something black and cat like. Ye overrided the natural order of things Y/N. something not planned in the slightest." Graham sighed. "Power attracts power. Yer just teasing Salem to find you at this point."

"I know I'm sorry!" Y/N said exasperated. "But it had to happen at some point because I couldn't tap into it like Arslan can. Might as well figure out how to use it now."

"Yer not wrong kiddo...but ye need to be careful where and when you use it." Graham sighed as Summer huffed.

"This is ridiculous." Summer sat on Y/N's bed as she held her head in her hands. "Y/N, you need to realize your life impacts others greatly now. You're not a spy or a professional killer anymore. You're a friend, a lover, a literal King! If you die it'll impact so many people. What you pulled at the battle with Adam was worrying enough and now this?"

"What do you want me to do?!" Y/N yelled standing up. "Just not do anything and let you guys do everything for me? Is it that hard to trust me?"

"Of course not!" Summer raised her own voice. "We trust you Y/N. I trust you. But you can't say if the roles were reversed you'd be worried about any of us fighting anyone that powerful on our own!"

"You wouldn't be alone because I'd save you!" Y/N retorted.

"Then who's going to save you if you don't let anyone protect you?" Summer fired back as Y/N grit his teeth.

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