Rescuing the Capable Damsel! (Part 3)

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"Hey Y/N-woahhhhh..." Adam came to a stop as he looked the Faunus in front of him. Clean shaven, no more scars peeking out clothing lines, wearing tight and protective combat gear. Y/N wore his usual white and black combat shirt and pants with his pistol holsters strapped to his chest. He had a combat knife strapped to his arm and a few ammo pouches strapped to his belt. He wore black combat boots with knives in the soles of the shoes for combat purposes. His hair was cut down to its usual length with the hair pushed back behind his cat ears and looking disheveled, but this time like it was meant to look disheveled. "You look...not half dead? What the hell happened?"

"Sex." Y/N shrugged as he walked past him. "In all seriousness, I don't really know. Yang and Nora both had talks with me and I feel much better afterwards. I just feel...lighter."

"Well, if it's gonna make sure you're fighting better, I'm all for it." Adam sighed. "I can't keep carrying this team like I have been forever."

"Oh shut up you lousy bull." Y/N waved him off.

"You figured out what you're gonna do with Blake and Yang yet?" Adam asked. Y/N went over and sat down in front of the planning table as he grabbed a few markers to start laying out where everyone would be going and how they were going to be splitting up.

"Not entirely sure, I wanted your input." Y/N said albeit mumbled as he had a marker in his mouth while he drew with another one. "Is everyone else outside?"

"Yeah, a lot of them are just relaxing, but JNPR is training Jaune right now." Adam explained as he sat down. He felt something lumpy under him as he continued. "That kid is incredible man, his skill power has increased like crazy. Though I will say he's lost all originality of his fighting style. He fights like the Nikos girl does. Like a champion or something, it's almost disheartening. I think that-why am I sitting on Yang's bra?"

"..." Y/N paled as he looked up slowly. "Uh...can I have that back?"

"..." Adam angrily tossed it towards him. "You fucked in our common area?! People eat here!"

"We made out down here, we got down and dirty in the bedroom." Y/N replied with a tone of superiority as Adam grit his teeth in mock anger.

"I'm gonna blow my brains out." Adam sighed. "Anyways, back on track. Jaune is doing incredibly well and the team seems to be more connected than ever...aside from Arslan."

"She still off in her own world?" Y/N asked looking up.

"Yeah, it's like she's not even there at this point." Adam rubbed his forehead. "We've all tried making conversation and she won't even look our direction let alone talk to us."

"Well, if your entire team betrayed and refused to listen to you when you're saying you didn't do something while also knowing you have to kill the person who's been fighting for your autonomy this entire time or you'll die is...pretty good for a reason to be moody." Y/N replied with cocked eyebrows as Adam rolled his eyes.

"I mean, I get that but how are we supposed to cooperate here?"

"I'll rein her in Adam, don't worry." Y/N waved him off. "Back to the main point, Blake and Yang, what're we doing?"

"Look Y/N...this is a big stretch here, but keeping them here or drafting either of them into this shit is completely immature." Adam began. "I'd suggest sending them back to their group."

"That's what I was thinking. None of the team wants to cooperate with them and I can't see a way that we can fit either of them in." Y/N murmured. "I'll talk to Yang about it when she wakes up and Blake after that."

There was a comfortable silence that began as Adam and Y/N planned out their goals and objectives before Adam looked down with a bit of anger in his eyes.

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