Second Reunion

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"Y/N...wake up Y/N." A sultry voice called out from the dark void Y/N was in. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt soft hands caress his cheeks. A warm sensation encompassed his lips as he realized there was someone currently sitting on his lap and making out with him. He jolted awake quickly and pushed back whoever was on him.

"Who are you?" Y/N said holding her back, but still on his lap. Once he got a better look at her his eyes widened.

"You don't know your own sister and wife?" The sultry voice said as it turned out to be Blake. Y/N's eyes widened as he began to freak out a bit.

"Blake you just kissed me. I'm your brother." Y/N said annoyed. "Can I ask why before I burn my tongue off?"

That's when Y/N noticed she was dressed in very provocative clothing. He blushed lightly as he tried to look everywhere but there. It looked like her usual outfit but with a lot more leather. She had also grown a fair bit in the important parts of her body. She put on a bit more weight, but wasn't exactly chubby. Her hips had gotten wider and her chest grew a bit. She looked much more mature than usual.

"What do you mean Y/N?" Blake giggled in her more girly voice. "We've done much more than just kissed~"

Y/N audibly gulped as he picked up Blake and put her down on her feet. Two giant doors opened as torches lit up on the sides of the room. When Y/N got a better look at it he was in a throne room located in what seemed to be a castle. There were two soldiers located on both of his sides as well as the two giant wooden doors that had just opened. There was two openings on each side of the giant room where more guards were stationed. Y/N began to feel on edge as he began to think this had to be a psychological manipulation semblance.

"So if you're really Blake...why do you think we've done more than just kissed? And where are we?" Y/N said standing up and looking to see who was approaching.

"Darling, stop messing around you're being much too humble towards yourself." Blake said giggling. "The children have come back from training and I bet they're dying to see you."

"C-Children?!" Y/N asked in a mix of a horrified and surprised tone of voice.

"Daddy!" Y/N died on the inside as he heard multiple little voices all yell the same word as they ran towards him. One by one he had 5 children hanging off of him.

"D-Daddy?!" Y/N whisper yelled as he felt his soul slip from his body.

"I missed you so much!" A small girl who looked exactly like Blake said as she grabbed his leg.

"Nuh uh, I missed him more Lily!" A girl with and red eyes and black hair yelled back. She looked like a combination of Yang and himself.

"No way!" A girl with white hair, two cat ears perched on her head, and gray eyes spoke up as she jumped up onto Y/N's neck. "I didn't have to miss him most because he missed me most!"

"No we missed him most!" A girl and boy with black hair and green eyes said in sync. The boy had a pair of ears while the girl didn't. "We're his favorite!"

"I-I have kids?!" Y/N exclaimed loudly. "I-Uh...What?"

Y/N fell backwards into his throne. His children and Blake looked worriedly at him.

"Mama Blake...what's wrong with daddy?" The white haired girl asked tentatively. "Is he okay?"

"Oh Lily..." Blake picked up the girl in her arms. "He's just had a long day. Grandpa Ghira and Tai have given him tons of things to do so he's been quite tired."

Y/N just sat there mumbling to himself as he held his hands in his head.

"We're home!" The two giant doors opened again and slammed into the two guards as they hit the floor with a thud, but got up with a sigh and got back into position.

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