The Decider

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We've officially hit 50 parts! ONLY 50 MORE TO GO! Decided to just write the Y/N v Adam final fight and then it's going to switch back to the actual war next chapter. Also, there's going to be a TON of Persona 5 R references in this chapter. Just beat that game and HOLY SHIT is it absolutely amazing. The ending and final boss was just...actually incredible. Such great writing and development for every single character. Hope some of you get a chance to pick it up and play it. It's truly so much better than the original version.

Short chapter this time, but only for the fact that I need your guys' decision as to whether or not Adam dies. Choose well! It will effect the story more than you think....


Throw Your Mask Away - Persona 5 Royal
- Adam's Perspective
(For a more emotional and intense fight.)


I Believe - Persona 5 Royal
- Y/N's Perspective
(For more of an upbeat fight with an honestly happier tone.)

These songs might seem too mellow, but at this point, this is a battle of raw emotion and force. The first song is coming from the perspective of Adam in regards to Y/N and to everything. Adam has a savior complex and he truly believes he's doing the right thing after all of this. The second song is more directed towards Adam and all the others who have stood in Y/N's path. Y/N now fully believes that However...I'm telling you all right now, this is the last time the MC is going to fight Adam. There is no other fight or altercation with him after for his fate? Well my dear reader...that's up to you.



"Oh fuck me...." Y/N said gripping onto Graham a little tighter with his gauntleted hand. The hulking mass of darkness breathed out red and black energy before opening its crimson eyes to Y/N.

"This power...why was I afraid of it? I feel...reborn." Adam said with a demonic voice. "Is this how you feel with your own gift?"

Y/N stood straight and drew his sword as he stood in front of Adam. Carnage rang out around them as sand blew between them. The moon lit up the night sky as the stars seemingly settled in to watch the fight begin.

"My's not a gift." Y/N sneered. "What we have? They're curses."

"'d reject your immortality and strength even now? You're truly something...Y/N." Adam chuckled as he got into a stance. "It seems we've reached an impasse though. You've beaten me in my mortal state...but now? Now I feel as if my vision has cleared."

"That so?" Y/N said taking a deep breath and getting serious. Anger wasn't guiding him as even Graham picked up on his seriousness.

"Oi...yer serious about this?" Graham asked hesitantly. "If this keeps up...yer gonna have to kill 'em."

"For once, I don't think I'm going to take this lightly." Y/N narrowed his eyes with a thin frown. "I think it's time I stop messing around and take this seriously...people are dying....for me. I'm not going to take their lives for granted. Not a single one."

"I...I see." Graham said as he hummed. "I shall meet yer resolve with my own partner. Let's take this bastard down."

" truly believe you have the strength to defeat me?" Adam laughed. "I am the savior of this world. I am the one who will bring about reformation and justice. There is no life without my justice...why can't you understand that?"

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