Maiden Royale

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A/N: Hey all! Welcome back. Just wanted to give a little info on Ellen's semblance since I got a question about it. I'm going to actually explain her semblance later on, but for now the gist of it is this. It's not the same as Theodores like previously thought. To be compared to Escanor is more like Theodore's (the Headmaster of Shade if you remember, the guy who fought Neo earlier in the story.) his semblance quite literally makes his body grow as he gets stronger and stronger while exerting pressure out of his body. By manipulating the air pressure and gravity acting on Theodore, he can literally make his body expand and get stronger as he lessens the burden from natural forces and actively pushes against it. Ellen's on the other hand, is a lot more like a predators. She already has all of her muscle on her. She's literally a giant, aka twice the size of Hazel. However, what her semblance does is exert pressure through the process of her own killing intent and aura which makes her seem 10x bigger and more intimidating to others who have fear of her. This semblance sounds OP at the base level because you could essentially intimidate nearly anyone you wanted too, but I gave it a counter. Ellen loses the hold on her mental state and transitions into more of a berserker focused on killing the people she considers her enemy and solely wants to fight and win through brute force. So she gains immense control over her enemies and makes them falter, but she also loses some cognitive process. It's a double edged sword in some cases, but a completely different and more powerful sword in another. I haven't come up with a name for either of these semblances yet however, so I'm still working on that! Thanks for the questions boys, hope that helped a bit


"Can't we stop this already Raven?!" Summer shouted as she flung another blast of magic at Raven, who batted it away without any care. The blast landed in the middle of a giant clash of soldiers as they exploded and went flying everywhere. "No!"

Summer cried out before looking angrily at Raven. She surged forward as Ravens eyes widened and they collided. Flying, Summer slammed Raven into the ground and began pummeling her with her increased strength. Still a bit shocked at Summer's brute force, Raven took it before coming back to her senses. She head butted Summer before picking her up by the neck and slamming her onto the ground. Raven fired a blast of fire point blank that sent Summer slaying backwards into a tree, but she quickly recovered as her wounds healed up.

"Maiden's kind of incredible if you think about it." Raven said watching as her scratches and bruises went away. Her clothes were still a bit damaged and singed, but that was it. Summer got up and narrowed her eyes at Raven. "It's funny to think that throughout all of history, a maiden has never stood opposite a maiden. I mean, with this much power why would you ever want to stand second to someone?"

"Because life isn't all about power or fighting Raven." Summer wiped her mouth. "Not everyone is like you. Some people have bigger things to wish for. Look at Y/N for example! He could've had a normal life, but he was turned into something he didn't ask for because of-!"

Summer stopped herself before she grit her teeth.

"Because of me..." Summer mumbled before shaking her head.

'Not now can't think like that!' Summer chided herself before raising her sword back up. The mechanisms in the giant long sword began clicking as it quickly morphed into a scythe.

"Psh, you really think it was your fault because of that dumb experiment 15 years ago? Please." Raven scoffed as Summer looked confused.

"W-What do you mean?"

"What I mean is there's a reason I'm not siding with Ozpin. It's not just because of the tribe either." Raven looked at her nails before turning back to Summer. "Of course you're already know Ozpin isn't flawless in his ways to save humanity. We both know he's done fucked up things...but you don't even know the half of it."

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