Continental Battle

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[PLAY: Daughter of the Dark God - Octopath]

Mantle and Atlas both shook violently as Salem held a ball of darkness in her hand as she gracefully walked over the rubble she caused. Buildings fell down from where they were, making Atlas' metal exterior creak and groan at the violent show of power. Salem ran a hand over her hair, dropping the numerous hair ties she had while letting her hair down.

"Oh how I've enjoyed our game of cat and mouse dear Y/N." Salem said mocking the boy. "But I've grown tired of you and I-"

Without another seconds notice, Salem's head exploded with Y/N's fist colliding with the brain matter. Salem's body went limp before her hand shot up and through Y/N's stomach, completely ripping out his spine. Y/N charged up a blast of electricity into Salem's gut, sending her backwards while her body burned. Both of their bodies began to rapidly regenerate as they locked eyes once more.

"Oh? So you HAVE gotten stronger." Salem laughed to herself. "Something tells me this isn't the first time you've battled an immortal."

"Fuck. You." Y/N said blatantly as he got up and wiped the spit from his mouth.

"But we already did?" Salem smirked before holding her hand. "Do tell me if you cannot go on dear, I wish to make you watch while I flay your loved ones."

Giant Grimm tentacles immediately sprouted from Salem's shadow and soared into the air. Y/N immediately turned around and began running before purple magic circles began appearing all over the skyline. Pulling out his pistols, he thrusted himself forward and over one of the tentacles before shooting a magic circle, shattering it. He slid to a halt before twisting and turning around the tentacles while blasting away all of the magic circles. Turning his head, he leapt off of the building he was on as it exploded with the remaining magic circles firing at it.

Salem reacted in an instant, appearing in front of Y/N with her spell book hovering in the air alongside her, an aura of black and purple swirling around it. The pages flipped violently before ceasing as Y/N pointed a pistol to Salem's head in the air. Within seconds, a magic blast and a pistol shot ripped apart their respective heads as their lifeless bodies fell to the ground. Within milliseconds they regenerated and were back to their feat both unwavering in their goal.

"Without Graham I imagine this is much harder isn't it?" Salem scoffed as she stifled a yawn. "You'll never be able to truly kill me without him, you know this yes?"

"God you're annoying..." Y/N muttered before shooting forward and blasting her head off with a fiery fist. He pushed himself and his bloody hand off of her body before spinning around with electricity and raising one leg. Salem's body stood their waiting as Y/N surged forward and began smashing Salem's body with furious kicks as he began to turn her torso into a pile of mush and black ooze. Salem caught his foot as her body regenerated and ripped his leg off with ease, placing a hand on his chest before blasting him away once more. However, Y/N predicted it this time and grabbed her hand, twisting and pushing off the ground with his other leg. With one move, both Salem's head and his leg regenerated at the same time, as Y/N spun in the air with his leg coming back just in time to slam his heel into Salem's temple, sending her body soaring towards a building leaving her imprinted in the side of it.

He lunged forward with a fire blast at the ready before being caught off guard by a nevermore swooping in and clipping the boy with its wing. Y/N began to spin out of the air, but luckily he ended up using that momentum to dodge a blast of magic from Salem. He landed onto the metal floor and began to spin himself around while dragging his feet and hands in the ground while beginning to create a smokescreen around him. He used his electricity to dash away before sending a few fire blasts in different directions as he hid.

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