The Urges of Life or Death

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"Ooooh, so this is Atlas?!" Ruby exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "It's so cool and...metally!"

"Haha, relax there kiddo." Tai said with a grin as he rubbed her head. Willow and Summer stood next to the father daughter duo while Blake and Yang hung in the back of the group, keeping to themselves. "We got a ways to go until we get inside. It's not like we can just walk in."

Ruby ended up being able to convince both Yang and Blake to follow them to Atlas after coaxing Tai and Summer, with the help of Willow, to help her out. All of them were wearing a bit warmer attire with Ruby wearing a large scarf, Yang finally putting on some pants, and Blake covering up a little more with a black and purple coat.

The group was now currently a mile or two in front of Atlas as they walked up the long road ahead of them. They took a car, then a train, and finally a ship that docked a few miles south of where Atlas was. Now that they had finally arrived, it was merely a matter of hours as to when they'd get there.

"I haven't been here in years. It's changed a lot." Summer said as they approached the front gate. "Though it still looks as dreary and lonely as ever."

"Yeah, Ironwood has...made some changes to the place since you've been here." Willow spoke up with a shrug as she held Tai's hand. "I do hope Weiss and Winter are holding up well enough."

"I'm sure Weiss is fine!" Ruby waved her off. "I bet Y/N came in and swept her off her feet withou a seconds notice!"

"Unfortunately, that's what Jacques is planning on." Willow sighed. Summer eyes Willow with suspicion.

"So is he going to try to kill him?"

"No, the exact opposite in fact. He wants to hire Y/N." Willow rubbed her forehead. "Not only is he an established mercenary, but he is also the precursor to the entire idea of elemental soldiers. Creating Whitley to be someone greater than everyone is something that Jacques has been obsessing over. He has Whitley under his thumb and won't hesitate to use my boy like a loose cannon."

"Oh Willow." Summer cooed out feeling guilty for her feelings. "I can't even imagine..."

An awkward tension arose between Tai and Summer as they realize what she had said. Willow took notice of what was about to happen and pulled herself and Ruby back to where Yang and Blake were trotting along.

"Look, Summer I...I never wanted Ruby to get hurt by being put into that machine and having a relic inside of her." Tai said sheepishly as he looked down. "I just...I just wanted to have a normal family and not have to live in constant fear. I've been thinking about all of this a lot...and I think seeing what that kid has been through because of what he is and what his connection to the relic is. And I am so, so sorry for ever wanting to put Ruby through something like that. I just hope that you can forgive me and we can give Ruby the life I always imagined for her. I'm just sorry I didn't go after you sooner. Truth be told I was just...scared. Scared that I would die and the girls would lose both of us."

Tai rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as Summer looked at him weirdly before bursting out with laughter.

"Oh Tai! You haven't changed at all!" Summer began to cry laughing as Tai went beet red and crossed his arms.

"I was just-I just wanted to be-ugh!" Tai face palmed. "Stop teasing me! I'm trying to be serious here Summer!"

"I know I know." Summer wiped her eyes and smiled brightly at Tai. "Look Tai, I love you just as much as I did back then and I am fully committed co parenting Ruby and Yang with you as always. I know things haven't been easy for you or me, but we've both found people we're in love with now! That makes me so happy to know that we've both found happiness yet continue to stay by each other's side. So don't worry you big lug, I'm here for you and the girls first and foremost."

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