A Cat Has Nine Lives

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"No...no no no no no!" Blake cried out as she began to lose it in Ruby's arms. Weiss stood back in shock with a wide open mouth. Oobleck clenched his fist as he readied his weapon in front of the masked redhead.

"I know you're all uneasy and hurting right now, but the mission comes first!" Oobleck stated as he stared down Adam. He opened his thermos as it turned into a bat/flamethrower type weapon

"All of you...are so pathetic." Adam mumbled as he flicked Y/N's blood off of his sword. He sighed as he looked at the group in front of him. "Because of you all, Y/N had to die."

"He didn't have to die!" Ruby said through tears as she held Blake back. "He didn't do anything to you!"

"Didn't do anything to me?" Adam laughed. "Maybe not personally, but I knew...I knew what he was planning. He garnered more and more attention and became the slave of Sienna so he could undermine me!"

"Just kill me...please!" Blake pleaded as she clenched her heart. "It hurts too much to lose him a second time."

At this time Yang had made her way up to the top as her head wound had healed. She grumbled as she made her way up.

"What the hell was that explosion?! Is everyone okay?!" Yang yelled as the wind began to blow her hair all over the place. She hopped up top and saw the state of everyone. Blake was sobbing into Ruby's arms while trying to jump off as her sister just cried. Weiss was still in shock as Oobleck tried to remain calm despite it all. "W-What happened?"

"You must be the one Y/N called Mega Milk." Adam chuckled to himself. "He always did have a perverted mind. Not that it matters of course."

"R-Rubes what happened? Where's Y/N?!" Yang said frantically as she her sister wouldn't look at her and kept comforting Blake. Weiss was the one to speak up finally as she felt the pit in her stomach deepen.

"H-He killed Y/N...and then Oobleck exploded the collar around his neck to derail the carts..." Weiss mumbled out, but Yang could piece together what she said. That didn't mean she wanted to believe it.

"N-No...you're lying. He can't be dead! He's not dead!" Yang roared back as her semblance exploded around her. Her tears evaporated as she looked at Adam. "YOU! First you abused Blake and now...now you kill your best friend?!"

"Y/N was simply a tool...he was the sword of the White Fang. Once Sienna got involved he slowly began to dull. I had hoped her death would push him over the limits and return him to his true self, but it seems all of you kept him grounded whether he realized it or not." Adam shook his head. "He was never anything more to me than a sacrifice for the Fang. Who do you think offered the coordinates on the day they imprisoned him?"

"W-What?" Blake said as her ears twitched and her eyes became cat like. "What did you just say?"

"It was simple. I hijacked an Atlas call and offered the one who destroyed their train and their machinery. I gave them the coordinates of where Y/N was and had them ship me weapons and ammunition. Atlas is a fickle group of soldiers. Offer their mad Doctor a test subject and you can easily reap the benefits. You just made my position as his brotherly figure even easier to pull off." Adam looked at his sword as he ran his hand on the remnants of Y/N's blood. It was currently steaming as it burned into the air. "It's amazing isn't it? The ability to have your own blood be infused with dust to create a super soldier. Y/N could've been the ultimate weapon. Yet he foolishly chose to hang onto his humanity."

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