Pandoras Box

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It had been a few hours since the crew set off to Vale and Y/N on the floor of the bullhead looking downtrodden as Graham slept next to him. He was in and out of sleep as the night turned to day while they traveled. Kat was slumped next to the opposite wall while Adam continued piloting throughout the night. The group was exhausted from the travel and intensity of the day and night prior, but they were managing well enough as it was. Y/N in particular was feeling sluggish because of his regeneration from death only a few days prior.

"..." Y/N clenched his hands and sighed as he hit his head against the bullhead wall.

"What's wrong?" Adam called from the front as he leaned back.

"What? Why do you assume something is wrong?" Y/N cocked an eyebrow.

"Because you're quiet and you're clenching your hands." Adam smirked. "You never shut up or clench your hands unless you're upset or in turmoil about something."

Y/N sighed and smirked back lazily before getting up and going to sit in the passenger seat next to Adam. He got comfortable before taking a drink of water and leaning back in the fluffy red chair. Kat snored softly as a glint shimmered above her before moving towards the seats.

"So..." Adam said awkwardly.

"This is weird right? We were mortal enemies almost a year ago. Now it's like nothing happened." Y/N closed his eyes. "It's definitely weird. I should still want to kill you, but honestly I'm kinda glad everything is over."

"Y'know I wouldn't blame you if you blew my head off right now right?" Adam said looking straight forward.

"..." Y/N considered it. "I thought about it back at the city. Letting you get mowed down by bullets I mean, but then I started thinking. I was the one who told you to try to be better in the first place. Why would I be a hypocrite now? If I can find my way so can you. I'm sure I killed a lot of people's lovers and such. I've moved on from Sienna, it's all good Adam."

"Heh, you know I would've been dead if this were a year ago right?" Adam chuckled as Y/N followed suit. They both fell into a silence as Adam took a breath. "So what's up?"

"Well...if you had to tell a bunch of your lovers you've been actively working against them in an effort to topple the very society they've been striving for for the longest time on top of not being human, knowing magic is real, the Gods chose you as their pawn, and you fucked two of their moms, what would you say?" Y/N laid it all out as Adam just gawked.



"Can I take my inquiry back?"

"Adam come on man!" Y/N slid down the chair. "This is hell on Remnant right now. My mentor told me to be honest and tell them everything, but if I tell them I've been the villain all along...they're not going to be happy with me."

"You're not entirely wrong."

"I mean, I had two of my friends kill two trained huntsman right in front of the youngest. Even the girls that were with me in Menagerie don't know about my criminal activity. They think I'm just a hero now." Y/N groaned. "Objectively, the strongest two I need are on my side regardless, but the's going to be a different story."

"How do you feel about them?" Adam asked as he looked to Y/N. "I mean really feel about them."

"I-I don't really know?" Y/N shrugged. "I guess I've never really been able to trust or love anyone like this before especially in my line of work. It's a weird feeling...I don't want to lose it now or ever really."

"I see..." Adam whistled. "Sounds like you're fucked no matter what you do."

"You're not entirely wrong." Y/N sighed as he rubbed his forehead and sat back up. He watched as the forest flew past them and the birds soared far away from their Bullhead. Everything was peaceful. Something Y/N didn't realize he was longing for. The days he spent at Beacon just going to classes were some of the most peaceful of his life. Something about the simplicity of it all...Y/N yearned for it. A life where he could settle down and not worry about all of this. Maybe he could get that. He felt himself dozing as his head leaned against the window and Adam continued talking to him. It was all slurred out in his mind before he let his eyes close.

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