As the Crown Foretold

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A/N: The way I see it, Salem is a sorceress that also has the ability change her body into any shape of Grimm. Not sure what her powers are canonically, but this she's pretty much an OP witch that can morph her body into the ultimate Grimm. Also, not sure about this chapter. It was honestly kind of hard to write and took some motivation to get done. If it seems a bit stiff or uninspired let me know and I'll consider a rewrite. Next chapter we head back to Beacon!



Black flames exploded from Y/N as Hazel and Tyrian were sent flying back. Cinders flames were overpowered as they were blown out while Salem had to exert a portion of her power just to stay standing with no sign of flinching. Y/N roared out as his flames destroyed the area around them into nothing but singed earth and burning trees. His roar turned into something more demonic as his eyes turned into a demonic yellow. When the others finally regained their composure and balance they were all shocked to see how Y/N had changed. He growled out as the ground shook as he breathed out. Steam poured out of his mouth and nostrils as he narrowed his eyes.

"" Salem said as she grinned to herself. "How unexpected..."

"W-What is this?!" Tyrian exclaimed as he stood in a cautious battle stance. Hazel injected himself with two ice crystals as he breathed out ice.

"He's forsaken his humanity it seems." Hazel bellowed out as he took a good look at Y/N. His body was covered in black flames that created giant appendages on his body. His ears had extended into sharp points that were flaming. His teeth had grown out into sharp and jagged edges while a animalistic hue adorned his eyes. His clothes had burned off as his arms turned into giant flaming black claws. A black tail grew from his body as his legs became like a flaming cats. His body was covered in all sorts of black markings as he snarled at the others while Summer laid behind him. He took a look back before sending a wave of flames towards Hazel, who blocked it with his ice infused body. He didn't get a chance to follow up as Y/N rushed him and slammed his face into the ground. A huge wave of heat encompassed Surprised, Hazel forgot to activate his semblance as his nose shattered. He grit his teeth as Y/N began to pummel his face while blood flung everywhere. Hazel roared as ice exploded off of him and Y/N recoiled. Tyrian took the opportunity to stab Y/N in the back, but was surprised by his stinger being burned off as soon as it came even close to Y/N. He yelped as he recoiled back and felt a fist drive itself into his gut. He spat out blood before flying back into a tree. Hazel barely got himself up before he felt a kick to his gut send him flying. Salem and Cinder merely watched on as an eyebot of Watts watched on next to them.

"What is this power?!" Watts exclaimed through the flying device. Cinder looked terrified as Salem merely smiled.

"It seems as though not only has the cat been injected with dust...he's been injected with Grimm essence." Salem looked intrigued as she studied Y/N and Hazel brawling. "It seems the infusion of human blood and dust weren't the only technical marvels Padraig came up with. Y/N has a bit of Grimm inside of him."

"Does that mean you can control him?! This could be extremely valuable!" Watts spoke through the device before Salem shook her head.

"Unfortunately, I can't control him. I can only control the things I have created out of pure dark essence. The infusion has altered the Grimm essence therefore nullifying my control over it." Salem sighed before continuing. "Yet it seems that this is a part of him that he can control as much as his flames. He's never used it before which means that he is hesitant to activate his power. I can not control Grimm that have gained sentience or a personality of their own so he must be having the same problem reigning in himself. While it is not unheard of, it is incredibly rare. As for the boy...If I had to guess, his humanity is at risk."

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