Black and Red

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Just gonna stop telling you guys things cause I keep failing 😭. This chapter is structured in a weird way, but just know this is mainly focused on Y/N's viewpoint. Next chapter will be focused on everyone else. This one is primarily focused on Adam and Y/N.


"You can't be serious..." Raven sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "This idiotic fucking plan is happening?"

"It appears so." Sienna said from underneath her giant hood. A Grimm Wyvern sat outside sleeping softly while White Fang guards looked terrified of it. "I heard murmurs of their plan among the Red Dawn during my stay at my aunts. It seems they truly do intend to take us head on."

"This has to be some kind of a joke..." Fennec said from the side as Corsac sat next to him. Only a few lights illuminated the room as they gathered in the White Fang compound. "Tch...that bastard is up to something."

"No..." Adam said over a giant map as he thought. "This is some bullshit he'd pull. I know him well, hit and run tactics would work best, so why wouldn't they do that? Frankly, we have to go to them, they don't have to go to us. He could set up an entire defense by the time we get there."

"So the kids not as idiotic as he seems then." Raven rolled her eyes as she leaned against the wall. "So what do we do with this girl then?"

"I-I told you I was telling the truth!" Ilia cried out as she wiggled on the ground. She was exhausted, sweaty, and dirty from running back through the forest and into the desert camp, but she made it in time. She was currently tied up and on the ground in front of Sienna, Raven, Adam, Fennec, and Corsac. "I-I'm safe right?"

"For now." Adam said with a small frown. He walked up to her and kicked her in the head as Ilia's small frame went flying sideways. She cried out as blood trickled from her head. "Fennec. Corsac. Tend to her wounds, make sure she gets clean, and feed her."

"W-Why...?" Ilia muttered out.

"You didn't do what I asked. Kill the Schnee, kill
Y/N, or bring back Blake. You failed all of those missions, so the only reason you still have your head is because you told us information that will prove useful. Now here's what's gonna happen...we're gonna fix you up, feed you, and get you comfy...then you're going to tell us everything else you know...or else our friend Watts is going to have fun extracting your semblance." Adam said as Ilia's eyes widened. She looked to the shadows to see a floating jellyfish Grimm and her face paled. "Take her to the barracks."

"Yes sir!" Fennec and Corsac said as they hurried out of the room.

"Might I add Adam, why is she here?" Sienna said with venom as she looked at Raven. Adam chuckled darkly before going back to planning.

"Sienna, you got your ass handed to you by Y/N already. If you want to go up against Summer all means go for it. However, in this fight Y/N is my target, but for us to fight one on one, we need to take everything from him. Starting with his parents..." Adam began muttering. "Now go get ready for war, we're going to move tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Raven said confused. "You seriously think you can move 10,000 troops by tomorrow?"

"Yes. Now move."

"Tch, I swear I'd have killed you if it weren't for
Y/N." Raven mumbled as she walked out of the room. Sienna stayed as her eyes lingered on the now shaking form of Adam. He slammed his hand on the table with grit teeth.

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