The Start of A Glorious Harem

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A/N: Recently made the mistake of going on AO3 and looking up some Jaune centric stories. Good. Fucking. GOD. That was the last mistake I've made regarding that site.

IMPORTANT: At the end of the chapter in the authors note there will be a poll. It's going to go until the next two chapters are put up and it's kind of an important one. More info on it below!


"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" Ruby asked Polendina as she looked over Y/N's unconscious form. She only had a bandage over her arm since she was the most physically okay one of the group that had tried to fight
Y/N. Everyone had been extracted from the room by Summer and Goodwitch and then placed into the infirmary until their aura could heal up their wounds. It had only been a few hours since Y/N had lost control of his power and had Summer knock him out, so most of the group was up. Weiss and Yang were asleep and sitting in one of the chairs, Velvet and Coco had left to get drinks and snacks for the group, Blake was passed out in another chair nearby, while Summer, Winter, Goodwitch, and Ozpin were all having a conference in another room. Polendina was running tests and making sure to provide enough aura for the boy to sleep comfortably. His body was still sparking with black electricity as it was having trouble controlling it.

"Yes Miss Rose, Young Y/N here is going to be just fine." Polendina reassured the girl with a smile. He patted her shoulder as he went back to fiddling with the IV hooked into Y/N's body. Instead of water or blood, crushed up electric dust was being transported into his bloodstream. "You see, his body had a few trace amounts of electricity in him from the experiments two years ago. It's been lying dormant since then, but when Y/N had lost control of his body, it as awakened forcefully."

"But if there isn't a lot of it, then why is it doing this to him?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Simply put, the boy is exploding from the inside out. The dust is reacting with the chemicals inside of him and combusting in his bloodstream. Right now the electricity is beginning to fuse with his aura, sealing up his wounds with electricity rather than flames." Polendina guesses. "If I had to give a hypothesis, I would say that the fire and electric chemicals inside of him are currently warring for dominance. Padraig has pumped the boy full of fire crystals, but after that he tried other elements. Fortunately, fire is the most dominant and prominent element in his body, so Padraig was unable to fuse him completely with any other elements."

"That's...scary." Ruby responded as she gripped Y/N's hand a little tighter. "When will he wake up?"

"To be honest Miss Rose...I'm not entirely sure." Polendina said grimly. "Could be seconds or minutes...or it could be days...weeks perhaps. This type of energy was never meant to be placed into a human or Faunus. We've all seen what they can do to the outside of a human just by mere touch. I couldn't imagine the chemical compounds trying to combine with an even more pure energy like aura."

"Oh man..." Ruby said dejectedly as she laid her head on Y/N's bed. The boy was breathing steadily. After his reaction to Weiss and hugging her until Summer pried them apart,
Y/N hadn't stirred at all. They were all worried, but the fact that their auras were working overtime to heal them all was causing them to get tired faster. "That was crazy though...I never expected the fight to go like that."

"Agreed." Polendina stood up and dusted his lab coat off. "I couldn't even imagine what must've triggered that emotional detachment. The fact that the Grimm side of him was separated from the human side of him was...extraordinary. In all my years, I've never seen an aura combine with a semblance to create a representation of pure negative emotion...its fascinatingly horrific."

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