Rescuing the Capable Damsel (Part 2)

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"I think I'll..." Y/N tried to muster up the courage to kill her right there. However, a wave of exhaustion hit him as he fell back onto the ground and sat there with closed eyes. "Dammit..."

"What?" Blake whispered as she wiped her eyes.

"I can't kill you." Y/N looked up sympathetically and stared at her. "I never could. Hell I can't even stay angry at you. I don't know if that pisses me off or makes me like myself more."

Blake tried to say something but her words caught in her throat. After all that, he just...gave up? That entire outburst given to her full of hatred and anger was simply subsided by his lack of wills to kill her.

"Y/N I-"

"I'm tired Blake. So so so...tired." Y/N rubbed his eyes. "I'm giving you a second chance. Don't make me regret this. I'm never going to kill you, but mess up one time and we're done."

He got up and began walking away before Blake called out.

"Wait!" Blake stammered. "I-I want to go with you!"

"What?" Y/N twisted around. "Why?"

"Ruby and her parents are sweet, but...I want to make it up to you. Starting now." Blake said sweetly as Y/N sighed.

"We already have Ren and Em, we don't need another ninja. Just go back to-"

"I'm not just another ninja!" Blake walked up to him. "I want to be with you Y/N. If not as a lover than as a friend, and if not as a friend then as an ally."

"..." Y/N hesitated.

'It would be stupid to turn her away...and if she really fucks me over again she'll be bait for Salem.' Y/N mulled it over in his head before coming to a conclusion.

"Fine. Come on." Y/N turned around and began walking down the stairs, but before he got to the first landing he spoke again. "And you too Yang. You can come too."

"Wha-how did you-?" Yang stammered from her hiding spot. She was pressing her back up against the wall of the entrance to the staircase, listening to their conversation.

"I figured this was your plan to be honest. I doubt you would let Blake go alone and leaving the group together was more than likely what happened." Y/N said as he continued walking down the stairs, before peeking his head back over the top of the stairs to look at Yang. "And your shampoo really smells. I smelled you when you were following us. In a good way though, it's just really...potent?"

"You...remembered the smell of my hair?" Yang asked cutely as Y/N shrugged.

"We may be exes now, but that doesn't mean the time we spent together is just gone." Y/N murmured before continuing to walk down the stairs. Blake appeared next to Yang and looked at her blushing.

"Yang?" Blake questioned as Yang shook away her blush.

"Blake, when did we break up with Y/N?" Yang looked at her. "He just called us his exes!"

"Yang." Blake cocked an eyebrow. "Do you not remember Beacon?"

"W-Well yeah, but we didn't explicitly break things off!" Yang protested as they descended the stairs. "I figured it was more of a...short term break?"

"Good one Yang." Y/N called up from the bottom of the stairs as both girls jumped. They blushed as he called back out. "Enhanced hearing? I'm a super powered Faunus."

"R-Right!" Yang said as she calmed down. They both laughed a bit before heading down to meet Y/N.


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