Take Five...or Maybe More

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"Woohoo!" Y/N grinned as he felt the wind blow through his hair. "Been a while since I felt this way!"

"HAHAHAHA!" Nora said triumphantly next to him holding onto his arm happily. "THIS. IS. AWESOME!"

The group was currently on Elmer who were barreling towards Beacon at this point and was running through the streets of Vale until finally arriving at the courtyard of Beacon. The gates slowly opened as Y/N was giddy with excitement at the idea of seeing everyone again. Elmer rushed in as Y/N could see all of his lovers, teachers, and friends standing right in front of the school. He grinned like a madman before seeing they all drew their weapons and were staring him down.

"Oh...oh boy." Y/N's wide smile dropped quickly. "What's happening?"

"Uh...Y/N?" Nora said a little serious. "You're in deep trouble. Like deep deep deep trouble."

"What? Are they that upset about me not being here? I mean trust me I understand 100% but-"

"No, it's not just that..." Pyrrha said uncomfortably. "A lot has happened Y/N. And you're the root of it all."

"What...what happened?"

"The records, semblances, logs, and strengths and weaknesses of every single student and pro huntsman of Vale was released four months ago. Beacon was...attacked by a large group of leftover White Fang enthusiasts, terrorists, criminals, and the Grimm from the forest. The worst part is...t-they all had the same motive." Pyrrha said obviously shaken. Nora looked away awkwardly.

"What was it?" Y/N said feeling his heart sink into his chest. All of this information was crippling to him. "Was it-"

"You." Adam looked away solemnly as Ilia did the same. "They came onto Menagerie while you were gone too. Criminals searching for you so they could kill you and bring you in. Your file said that you had lost your powers and were vulnerable so it was a prime time to target you and your loved ones."

"You knew this and you didn't tell me?!" Y/N said angrily as his flames sparked.

"I thought you already knew because I assumed you were the one who leaked it." Adam responded before bowing his head. "I'm sorry Y/N."

"It's...it's fine." Y/N took a breath. "I need to talk to Roman and now."

"We've been in contact with him!" Nora piped up. "He said some people found out about them and began making fake copies of each of the flash drives to sell them. It was becoming a rampant blow to the criminal underground so Roman had no choice but to leak them. He altered yours to make you seem weakened though."

"Yes, Roman did mention he did a bit of editing for all of us to leave out the important parts." Pyrrha added in. "For the others...they were targeted as their relationships list had you involved as their lover."

"Ozpin...!" Y/N grit his teeth. "That bastard knew what I was doing from the start...I got completely outplayed!"

Y/N punched Elmer's back before recovering and taking a deep breath.

"No...no it's okay. This can work." Y/N thought for a second as the approached the group. "This doesn't mean it's over. He might've done it on accident or doesn't know what my power level is right now. I have Destruction as well, I'm a Pandora's box that he just opened."

"Nows now the time Y/N." Adam brought up. "We need to face them. Now."

"That's what I figured..." Y/N grimaced. "I hope this doesn't end up in a fight."

Elmer came to a slow right in front of the girls and the teachers as Y/N and his crew hopped off.

"Guys! We found them!" Nora said giddily before Ozpin rose a hand to stop her.

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