The Dance of the Harem King

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Everyone's girl gets a scene here! Except Ruby. Sorry Ruby fans...your girl doesn't get a dance scene :(. Poll ends next chapter so make sure you've voted! Gonna take me a bit to go through and count them all up, so I'll probably announce the stats and the winners on my conversations page. If there's a tie, I'll put it up to vote between the two. Also, 300 followers?! You guys are amazing! I couldn't have done any of this without each and everyone of you with me so thanks guys! Love ya!

Gonna try something you guys have been asking for for a while, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be any good at it. I'll put a disclaimer beforehand though. Let me know how it goes and if you want more.

Voting results at end of the chapter!



"Ah the first slow song of the dance. Y'know, I went to my middle school dance back in Menagerie." Y/N said offhandedly as Weiss just looked at him weirdly. "I was a completely different person back then. Always so shy and awkward."

"And?" Weiss cocked an eyebrow.

"It was miserable." Y/N deadpanned. "First off I never asked anyone to go and nobody ever asked me to dance. The one time I got the courage to ask someone on the floor my voice cracked in the middle and I spilled punch on the girl."

"Wow." Weiss scoffed. "Hope you're not planning to treat me like that."

Y/N chuckled as he and Weiss made their way to the dance floor. Coco shot them a knowing look before turning on the slow song from the upbeat music and turned down the lights.

"May I have this dance?" Y/N mocked with a posh accent as he bowed and held his hand out to Weiss. She giggled and did a little spin and curtsy before placing her hand in his. He pulled her closer as she let out a yelp before he wrapped her hands around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck as the pair began to slowly sway back and forth. The slow and melodically chosen music rang throughout their ears as Weiss looked into Y/N's eyes. He went to open his mouth before his dance partner glared at him.

"If you even think of saying something to ruin this moment...I will smite you myself." Weiss chided with a cold look as Y/N immediately shut his mouth. Weiss smiled before laying her head into his chest and hugging him while they swayed. Y/N wrapped his arms around her tighter as he took a deep breath.

"Uh, hey Weiss?" Y/N said softly as she hummed against his chest in reply. "Do you really love me that much?"

"..." Weiss was going to reprimand him for second guessing her affection, but merely hugged him tighter and nodded her head with a hum of agreement as Y/N took another deep breath.

"Can't lie and say I was hoping you'd say no..." Y/N chuckled as he kissed Weiss' head. "But a part of me wishes you did hate me still..."

"Why is that?" Weiss said with her eyes closed.

"Weiss...there's gonna come a time when I might have to kill your father." Y/N said as Weiss' eyes widened. She shook in his arms slightly before hugging him tighter and burying her face into his chest. "Can you live with that? Loving the person who's going to kill your father?"

"I..." Weiss thought about it. Her father was an manipulative, greedy, ruthless, and abusive caricature of a man that had married into his family. He had caused nothing but Winter and Weiss pain from an early age, and turned their mother, Willow, to an alcohol addiction after she had Whitley. Because of this, they rarely saw their mother anymore and Whitley had become just like their father in every single way. Weiss hated her father. She loathed him. But could she allow her lover to kill him? To rip away her father for his crimes against him and all Faunus and humans? In Weiss' eyes...the answer was yes.

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