Atlas, Atlas, We All Fall Down

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"Ruby! Focus!" Tai called out as he blocked an attack from Hazel. He pushed the bigger mans wrist to the side before uppercutting him. Hazel barely acknowledged the blow before slugging Tai with his right hand, sending him backwards. Hazel went for another punch, but a large glyph got in the way and he was unable to break through it. He pushed back against it as it disappeared before an ice claw socked him in the face. Grimm Y/N stood in front of Tai as Weiss commanded it from the back line with her mother providing defense for Tai.

"I-I'm trying but mom!" Ruby called out as she dodged an attack from Cardin who swung his mace wide. Ruby leaned backwards and pushed with her back foot before his mace exploded and she was sent flying back. Yang scooped her up in her arms as they rallied with Weiss and Blake.

"Ruby don't worry about her right now!" Yang said peering over to the fight of Sienna versus Summer. "We have bigger problems!"

"Ah, the final survivor of the silver eyes disregarding Mrs. Rose over there." Watts said as he stood behind Cardin. Klein had disappeared and said he was going to bring backup as the battle raged on. "I would love to extract a few blood samples from your body. Cardin, will you make sure to leave her alive for me? I will try not to put too many bullet holes into her body."

[PLAY: Self-Embodiment of Perfection - Jujutsu Kaisen]

"You got it Watts!" Cardin yelled back as he slammed his mace downwards where Blake had just been seconds ago. The mace exploded again, but the fake Blake disappeared as she appeared behind Cardin and unloaded a flurry a bullets that bounced off of his armor.

"Eyes on the front jackass!" Yang roared as she slammed her fist into Cardin's face only to be blocked by a red shield that surrounded Cardin.

"You always were the most annoying one!" Cardin yelled as he dug his fist into Yang's gut. Yang spit up before she was hit with another red impact that sent her upwards. Weiss caught her with a glyph as Blake regrouped. Cardin held his hands out once more as the bullets that Blake fired all hung in the air. With a flick of the wrist the bullets went flying towards the group and Weiss put up a glyph to cover them. They huddled together with Yang covering the other girls as the barrage ended.

"Cardin why are you doing this?!" Ruby yelled out. "This isn't you!"

Cardin rushed forward as Yang did the same with Blake running her shadow. Weiss focused on blocking shots from Watts pistol Ruby sped forward with extreme speed as she put her sights on Watts.

Cardin and Yang clashed once more, with Yang dancing around his wide swings and Cardin blocking or tanking all of her blows.

Watts leaned backwards as Ruby's scythe swung in a blinding arc as he quickly swerved to the right to dodge an overhead attack.

"Coming at me with intent to maim, I thought you were a hero?" Watts mocked as Ruby continued to swing over and over again. Soon she hit him and completely sliced his head off as blood splattered all over her face. Ruby's eyes went wide and she stepped back only to run into Watts standing directly behind her. "Looking for me?"

Ruby jumped back in shock, looking down at her hands and seeing no blood on them.

"How did you-?!" Ruby rolled to the side as Watts threw a fist forward. He managed to grab her ankle and stopped her from moving out of the way before Ruby used her semblance to speed out of his grip. She tripped and rolled, but ended up accidentally stumbling into Cardin who was swinging at Blakes clone before seeing her in his path. He slammed his mace into the side of her head, with Ruby only being saved by Weiss' glyph.

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