Polendinas Emotional Roulette

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"You son a bitch!" Y/N exploded in anger as he gripped Polendina's collar in his hands. "I should fucking kill you!"

"Y/N!" Ozpin and Goodwitch called out as Polendina merely raised his hand as he was hoisted into the air. When he spoke next it was in a low and calm voice as he looked into Y/N's angered eyes with his own sorrowful filled ones.

"Y/N...I had no idea of what they did to you." Polendina spoke softly. "I simply wished to help people...not torture them."

"Why the fuck should I believe you?!" Y/N roared. "How many people did that fucked up doctor use that machine on before it worked on me?! How many innocent Faunus and humans were killed in an effort to help people?!"

"I did not know that Padraig had gone rogue. Ironwoods had kept it to himself until I saw the carnage unfolding in front of me." Polendina explained in a hushed and rushed voice. "If I had only been told sooner I could've stopped it."

"But you didn't!" Y/N tightened his hold. "I've waited for fucking TWO YEARS to finally find where you were hiding, and now you expect me to let you walk in here like it's some fucking TV show?! I want answers Polendina, and after that I'm gonna decide what kind of death you'll get!"

Y/N's flames began to get hotter as he got angrier. Polendina began to sweat as he took a deep breath.

"No. No, I don't expect you to let me walk away from this alive. I came here knowing that I would die a painful death in the flames of betrayal and hatred caused by my own desire to create." Polendina spoke as Y/N's flames began to die down in the intensity, but still raged on. "I have been guilt ridden for the past two years ever since I found out about what Padraig had done. The experiments he did to not only you but to all of the inmates. His experiments were because of a lack of attention and the ignorance I held. If I would have known beforehand I would've never sent him the machine!"

"Do you seriously want me to feel sorry for your ass?" Y/N scoffed as he threw Polendina to the ground. "Give me one good fucking reason not to fry you alive."

"Nothing I say can ever take back the pain and suffering my machines have caused you, but I can offer you a multitude of reasons as to why it would be better to keep me alive. I can answer your questions as well as reverse the effects of the experiment and turn you back into a regular Faunus." Polendina said as he stood back up. "If you so desire it, I can reverse the chemical makeup by stripping you of your aura and doing the reverse of what Padraig did to you with your previous blood type. It's not a foolproof plan though."

Y/N held up his hand as a black fire ball began to appear in his palm. His flames were acting erratically as his eyes had turned obsidian moments ago. His entire body was covered in flames as everyone was pushed back from the doctor and Y/N.

"Don't need it." Y/N said darkly. "I've accepted these powers for my own. Oum knows I need them now more than ever."

"I see..." Polendina said as he scrambled to bring up another one. While his mind raced, he kept his calm persona up while simply standing in front of Y/N. "Then I'm afraid I only have one other thing I can offer you."

"Oh really? And what might that be?" Y/N narrowed his eyes, getting ready to blast Polendina off the face of the earth.

"Control." Polendina said concisely. "We both know you can't control your flames."

"Excuse me? Then what the fuck am I doing right now?" Y/N replied arrogantly as he sent a shot of flames to the side of him, which collided with a machine and exploded it violently. It shook the entire lab as Mercury fell on his ass.

"That is not control, that is unhinged anger." Polendina began. "I cannot express my guilt and sorrow to you in a way that is sustainable or justifiable.  The things I have done, whether directly or indirectly, have caused a deep impact on not only you, but human and Faunus populations as a whole. Because of my pursuit of innovation I forgot the very humane code of ethics that science must uphold at all times. For that, I am deeply sorry."

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